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Shakira has taken over the internetBy Jovita Trujillo The Colombian pop star sings in the song, “I’m too big for you; that’s why you’re with someone just like you,” she says, also naming her ex and his new girlfriend.By Daniel Neira The Colombian sensation slams her athlete ex and his new younger girlfriend with an empowering songBy Andrea Pérez The Colombian isn’t holding anything back in her latest songBy Shirley Gomez The recording artist had everything planned, and Milan and Sasha were enrolled in their new schoolsBy Shirley Gomez “This is my son. We have him here because he wanted to be part at the last minute,” Gerard said.By Shirley Gomez Reports suggest that the delicate health of Shakira’s father could be delaying the move-in dateBy Monica Tirado Shakira’s post referenced her tumultuous year, which came with the separation from Gerard Pique and health problems for her father.By Maria Loreto It was a great year for musicBy Cynthia Valdez The singer got away from everything with her children to celebrate holidayBy Andrea Pérez People have always wanted to see the long-time friends togetherBy Jovita Trujillo Will anyone get back together?By Jovita Trujillo Find out here who is on the list!By Shirley Gomez Britney married herself this weekBy Jovita Trujillo He is making the most of the last month he will spend with his children in Barcelona, SpainBy Shirley Gomez The former couple, who never married, but lived together as a family, allegedly came to a suitable arrangementBy Shirley Gomez Shakira was spotted surfing in Cantabria.By Maria Loreto The Colombian singer appears dancing with Juli Trujillo, better known as Truji BachataBy Shirley Gomez The Colombian star took to social media to thank the fans that have supported her during this difficult yearBy HOLA! USA In an interview with HOLA! TV, Carlos Vives talked about why he changed the lyrics of “La Bicicleta” to support Shakira.By Maria Loreto Unfortunately Milan’s team lostBy Jovita Trujillo Shakira was photographed watching her son playing baseball, and looked as excited as ever to be watching him.By Maria Loreto The two are putting their home on sale at the start of next year.By Maria Loreto Which was your favorite?By Jovita Trujillo The campaign features pieces from former chief creative officer Riccardo TisciBy Shirley Gomez The world will witness a never-seen-before event with exciting moments filled with passion and musicBy Shirley Gomez Piqué will spend Christmas in Barcelona with the kids and then see them go to their new life in the United StatesBy Shirley Gomez The track has inspired millions of people worldwide, whether they are going through heartbreak or notBy Shirley Gomez Gerard Piqué surprised the world after announcing his retirement at 35 years oldBy Shirley Gomez Spanish media claimed the 45-year-old “Monotonia” singer walked straight to the front of the line at the Tower of Terror rideBy Shirley Gomez Fans of the singer praised her for her patience and dedication, helping his dad recover. “The way she loves her father. God bless her.”By Daniel Neira Carlos Vives and Shakira have long been friends and collaborators.By Maria Loreto