A close source also revealed that the actor maintains a good relationships with his kids amid the difficult divorce with Angelina Jolie.By Daniel Neira
“I always felt very alone in my life, alone growing up as a kid, alone even out here, and it’s really not till recently that I have had a greater embrace of my friends and family”By Daniel Neira
“I think joy’s been a newer discovery, later in life,” he shared. “I was always moving with the currents, drifting in a way, and onto the next.”By Daniel Neira
The star had previously mentioned that three of her six children wanted to testify against the actor but were blocked by Judge John Ouderkirk.By Daniel Neira
The star said, “If I ever try to pull off a ’90s crimp again, please stop me,” adding that it didn’t look great and she “wouldn’t do this again.”By Daniel Neira
Brad and Angelina currently co-own and operate Chateau Miraval in Provence as equal shareholders, however the actress is making the first move.By Daniel Neira