MADRID, SPAIN - JUNE 19: Crown Princess Leonor of Spain attends a meeting with young people and visit The Gallery Of Royal Collections on June 19, 2024 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Pablo Cuadra/Getty Images)© Pablo Cuadra

Spain's Princess Leonor to undertake her first official trip abroad—find out where she’s going!

The Princess of Asturias is 18 years old

JUNE 27, 2024 3:22 PM EDT

Princess Leonor is heading to Portugal! Queen Letizia and King Felipe of Spain's 18 year old daughter is set to undertake her first official trip abroad next month. 

The Portuguese President's official website shared a note on June 27 that read (translated to English): "At the invitation of the President of the Republic, Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias will visit Portugal on July 12th. On her first official trip abroad, Dona Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz, Heiress of the Crown, will be received at the Belém Palace by President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa."

The program for Leonor's visit to Portugal "will have a particular focus on environmental protection and ocean conservation," which are described as "priority themes for Portugal and Spain."

© Carlos Alvarez

Princess Leonor of Spain will travel to Portugal in July, marking her first official trip abroad

The president's website noted that "the choice of Portugal as the destination for Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias' first official trip abroad reflects and strengthens the bonds of fraternity and closeness that unite the two countries." According to the Spanish government's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Leonor will be received at Belém Palace by Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

The Princess of Asturias is Queen Letizia and King Felipe's elder daughter. Leonor undertook her first solo engagement back in 2021 at the age of 15. Last August, the Spanish royal began her first year of military training, which she reflected on last month at the Medal of Aragon award ceremony.

“I confess that when I arrived in Zaragoza on August 17, I came with many expectations, partly because of everything my father had told me, although I also knew that some stages would not be easy,” Leonor said (translated to English). “I arrived at the General Military Academy with enthusiasm and a great desire to learn and get to know both my classmates and the other classes with whom I have shared this year.”

“I can tell you that what I have experienced here far exceeds what I thought ten months ago,” the Princess continued. “In Zaragoza, in Aragon, I have felt at home, welcomed and accompanied in a land that will always be part of my life. There are only five weeks left until I leave, so I can receive my ensign’s office, and I’m already starting to miss you!!”