The story of Prince Aymeric Auguste Marie of Belgium revolves around royalty and romance. Despite being a member of the royal family and the nephew of King Philip of Belgium, the 18-year-old prince has recently gained attention for his love life. He is in a relationship with his girlfriend, Gersende, and their romance has become a topic of discussion. Prince Aymeric is the son of Prince Laurent and Princess Claire.
According to local media reports, Aymeric is considered one of the most charming princes in the country and is often referred to as the golden bachelor of Belgian royalty. As HLN informed, the news of his romance with Gersende, a Brussels local, has sparked curiosity.
According to the outlet, Gersende has made her social media profiles private to protect her privacy from unwanted attention. This decision comes after some personal pictures of her and Prince Aymeric were leaked, which showed the couple hugging and kissing.
According to insights provided by Belgian media, the duo‘ had a period of separation, but Aymeric and Gersende ultimately chose to reconcile. “If we had not decided to give ourselves another chance and start again, we would have missed all of this,” remarked Gersende, as cited by HLN.
Prince Aymeric’s life is closely tied to his family members through shared experiences and strong bonds. He is very close to his twin brother, Prince Nicolas Casimir Marie. They often work together on various projects and share common goals. Their older sister, Princess Louise, 20, is also an important member of their social circle and remains an integral part of their lives.
Recently, Aymeric has become more prominent in Belgium’s institutional sphere. According to HOLA! Spain, during the summer, the prince and his twin sibling accompanied their grandmother to pay tribute to the Bois du Cazier mining disaster victims in Marcinell, Charleroi. The tragic event claimed the lives of 262 people in a mine fire. At the solemn occasion, the princes offered floral tributes and spoke with the victim’s relatives.