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Queen Letizia and Infanta Sofia join the grand celebration of Spain’s World Cup Victory [Photos]

The Spanish National Team makes history with a victory against England

Andrea Pérez
Director/Deputy Editor Miami
AUGUST 21, 2023 6:44 AM EDT

With the referee’s final whistle, the match between Spain and England in the Women’s World Cup came to a close. After an exhilarating 90 minutes culminating in a splendid victory, the ‘La Roja’ (the Spanish national team) players found themselves on the field alongside Queen Letizia and Infanta Sofia. King Felipe VI’s wife and spirited younger daughter celebrated these remarkable women. They’ve etched a new chapter of Spain’s sports history, showing their excitement and admiration as they applauded the athletes.

Spain v England: Final - FIFA Women's World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023© GettyImages

Queen Letizia took on the honor of presenting the trophy to the captain, standing among fellow officials. She also congratulated the determined British players who fought tenaciously until the final second.

Spain v England: Final - FIFA Women's World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023© GettyImages

Likewise, Infanta Sofia adorned the scene holding the country’s flag with a big smile as she joined all the players in the grand celebration.


Queen Letizia and Infanta Sofia have proven to be the athletes‘ lucky charms. As a heartfelt gesture of gratitude for their support, the team gifted them jerseys bearing the number 12 and their names on the back, all while chanting, “Long live the Queen and Sofia!”

Spain v England: Final - FIFA Women's World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023© GettyImages

As explained by Queen Letizia just minutes before the start of this intense match, regardless of the outcome on the field, the players were already the moral winners of this prestigious tournament, as they had been an example of effort, hard work.

“No matter the outcome, they’re champions already.”

Spain v England© GettyImages

However, their determination propelled them to grasp the trophy, while a radiant golden star found its place on their team emblem, a true testament to their relentless efforts.


Infanta Sofia, an avid sports fan, spoke for the first time in front of the television cameras, displaying remarkable poise and self-confidence. “I can’t wait for it to start, and no matter what happens, I’ll go congratulate them in the locker room.”

Spain v England - FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 - Final - Stadium Australia© GettyImages

The presence of the Queen and Infanta Sofia at the Accord Stadium in Sydney, Australia, is highly symbolic and further showcases the commitment of the Royal Family to this new generation of talents.


The official social media profile of the Royal House shared a heartfelt congratulatory message to the national team. “Champions!! Champions!! World champions!! You are the best football players in the world. This is FOOTBALL and it’s HISTORY Thank you for making all of Spain vibrate.”

Spain v England - FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 - Final - Stadium Australia© GettyImages

This might be Infanta Sofia’s last public appearance before starting a new chapter in the United Kingdom. On August 29th, she will pack her bags and set off for UWC Atlantic College in Wales, where she will pursue her international baccalaureate studies for the next two years, just as Princess Leonor did previously.

On the other hand, Princess Leonor began her military training this week at the Zaragoza Military Academy, known as ‘La General’.