Pope Francis' personal gift to mark King Charles' coronation revealed© Getty Images

Pope Francis’ personal gift to mark King Charles’ coronation revealed

A relic of the True Cross will be part of the coronation procession

APRIL 19, 2023 11:10 AM EDT

 King Charles III ’s coronation procession will be led by the Cross of Wales. Incorporated in the processional cross is a relic of the True Cross, which is said to be wood of the cross on which Jesus was crucified. The relic was a personal gift from Pope Francis to King Charles to mark his coronation.

A relic of the True Cross was a personal gift from Pope Francis to King Charles to mark the coronation© PAUL ELLIS/AFP via Getty Images
A relic of the True Cross was a personal gift from Pope Francis to King Charles to mark the coronation

The incorporation of the relic has been described by The Church in Wales as a “significant ecumenical gesture.” In a statement, the Archbishop of Cardiff and Bishop of Menevia, Mark O’Toole, said, “With a sense of deep joy we embrace this Cross, kindly given by King Charles, and containing a relic of the True Cross, generously gifted by the Holy See.”

“It is not only a sign of the deep Christian roots of our nation but will, I am sure, encourage us all to model our lives on the love given by our Saviour, Jesus Christ,” he continued. “We look forward to honouring it, not only in the various celebrations that are planned, but also in the dignified setting in which it will find a permanent home.”

© PAUL ELLIS/AFP via Getty Images
The Cross of Wales will lead the coronation procession

The Cross of Wales was presented by Charles as a centenary gift to the Church in Wales. The back of the cross is inscribed with words from the last sermon of St. David in Welsh: “Byddwch lawen. Cadwch y ffydd. Gwnewch y Pethau Bychain,” which translates to: “Be joyful. Keep the faith. Do the little things.” His Majesty applied the hallmark to the silver elements of the cross last November.

The cross was blessed by the Archbishop of Wales, Andrew John on April 19. According to The Church in Wales, “The cross will be officially received by the Church in Wales at a service to follow the Coronation and its use going forward will be shared between the Anglican and Catholic Churches in Wales.”

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