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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in ‘much better’ place with royal family

The Sussexes are on the up after a year of change, pain and growth

DECEMBER 13, 2020 4:38 PM EST

 Meghan Markle  and  Prince Harry  are apparently in a better place with their royal family. After what’s been “a universally tough year for everybody” (as Harry recently said), the Sussexes have been mending their headline-making riff. A “friend” of the dazzling duo commented on their private affairs to Vanity Fair, accurately describing their year - and all of ours really - as a “rollercoaster.” From healing familial wounds to starting on new projects, the pair are entering a happier new chapter.

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have had a year filled with change

“2020 has seen them leave the royal family, leave Britain and move to L.A. to their dream home where they are finally able to lay down new roots,” the anonymous pal waxed. According to the publication, Harry doesn’t regret moving to the states. “There are certain things he misses, but nothing so much that he regrets moving,” added the friend. “He’s found a kindred spirit in Meghan, they are creating a new life. That’s so very exciting for them both.”

Apparently the time, distance and, surely, 2020 perspective has done wonders for Harry and  Prince William ’s relationship specifically. In fact, it’s “much better than it was,” with the brothers now staying in contact regularly. The Sussexes have sent Christmas gifts to the Cambridge family and will definitely video chat over the holidays according to the source.

Meghan, Harry and little  Archie  are set to enjoy a quiet Christmas in their new house. The former Suits star’s mom Doria Ragland will of course attend and maybe even help her daughter, who is overseeing the cooking, in the kitchen. We’ve heard murmurings about Meghan and Harry’s new projects, and have no doubt 2021 will bring lots of exciting Sussex adventures for us all.