Cour grand ducale / Grand Duchy Court / Corte del Gran ducado / Sophie Margue© Cour grand-ducale / Grand Duchy Court / Corte del Gran ducado / Sophie Margue

Prince Charles of Luxembourg, four months, makes his first royal appearance

Royal was born May 10 but wasn’t able to meet grandparents, until he was six weeks old due to Covid restrictions

SEPTEMBER 19, 2020 4:36 PM EDT

Prince Charles of Luxembourg, the only child of Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie, was christened in Clervaux Abbey. He is the son of heir Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie of Luxembourg.

Royal was born May 10 but wasn’t able to meet grandparents, until he was six weeks old due to Covid restrictions. Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich and Father Dom Michel Jorrot welcomed the Grand Ducal family at 2.30 pm. Afterwards, the official ceremony began at 3 pm. The christening was conducted by Hollerich and Jorrot, as well as Leo Wagener and Fernand Frank.

© Cour grand-ducale / Grand Duchy Court / Corte del Gran ducado / Sophie Margue

© Cour grand-ducale / Grand Duchy Court / Corte del Gran ducado / Sophie Margue

Watch the beautiful celebration:

Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa were also present at the ceremony. Prince Felix, his wife Princess Claire and their two children Prince Liam and Princess Amalia, Prince Louis and Prince Sébastien also attended.

© Cour grand-ducale / Grand Duchy Court / Corte del Gran ducado / Sophie Margue

© © Cour grand-ducale / Grand Duchy Court / Corte del Gran ducado / Sophie Margue

In June, The Luxembourg Royal Family shared sweet new photographs of six-week-old Prince Charles . ‘It is with great pleasure that Prince Guillaume and Princess Stéphanie reveal new pictures of their son Charles,‘ the Instagram post read. In the images he is seen wearing woolen dungarees and a sweater, as well as tiny slippers. In one picture he is having a nap while resting his head on a teddy bear, while another sees him snoozing in his mother’s arms. He is awake in one picture, looking lovingly up at his mother. The pictures were taken at Fischbach Castle in central Luxembourg, where the family have been spending lockdown.