Kate Middleton reveals Prince George's latest interest© WireImage

Kate Middleton reveals Prince George’s latest creepy crawly interest

The Duke and Duchess virtually called out bingo numbers for residents at a care home

UPDATED MAY 22, 2020 1:18 PM EDT

Like many boys his age, it appears  Prince George  is a fan of creepy crawlies.  Kate Middleton  seemingly revealed one of her oldest son’s latest interests while serving as a bingo caller with  Prince William  on Wednesday. The couple joined residents from the Shire Hall Care Home in Cardiff via video call, calling out numbers, including one that reminded the Duchess of her firstborn. “George would like this one. Five and five, snake’s alive,” she said. The Duke also made a silly call during the game, saying, “One and seven, dancing Queen.”

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Kate Middleton seemingly revealed that her son George is interested in snakes

Following the game, the royal couple spoke with a resident named Joan. “How did we do at bingo? Was it okay?” William asked, to which she hilariously replied, “Yes very good. It wasn’t as good as it should’ve been.”

Before the bingo session, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge spoke with staff of the Shire Hall Care Home. The parents of three heard from members of the care team about the impact of COVID-19 and the challenges that they have faced as a result of the current pandemic. During the call William said, “If there’s hopefully some positivity that comes out of this horrendous time, it is that there’s a light shone on all of the wonderful things you all do and on the social care sector, and it allows people to acknowledge, respect and appreciate everything that you are doing.”

Kate and William have been staying at their country home Anmer Hall with Prince George,  Princess Charlotte  and  Prince Louis  amid the UK lockdown. The Duchess has previously opened up about the “ups and downs” of self-isolating with her young children. “It gets a bit hectic, I’m not going to lie, with a two-year-old,” she confessed to BBC in April. “The children have got such stamina, I don’t know how honestly. You get to the end of the day, you write down all the list of things you’ve done in that day. You sort of pitch a tent, take the tent down again, cook, bake, you get to the end of the day, they’ve had a lovely time. But it is amazing how much you can cram into one day, that’s for sure.”

Due to the pandemic, George and Charlotte, who are students at Thomas’s Battersea, are being homeschooling. Earlier this month, Kate revealed that her six-year-old son is jealous of his little sister’s homework. She shared, “George gets very upset because he wants to do all of Charlotte’s projects, like making sort of spider sandwiches is far cooler than literacy work.”