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Prince Albert shares update on Princess Charlene and Monaco twins following his coronavirus diagnosis© Getty Images

How Princess Charlene and the Monaco twins are doing after Prince Albert’s COVID-19 diagnosis

Grace Kelly’s son tested positive for the coronavirus

UPDATED MARCH 20, 2020 12:44 PM EDT

 Princess Charlene ’s family is practicing social distancing in the wake of the  Prince Albert ’s  coronavirus  diagnosis. Shortly after testing positive for COVID-19, the reigning monarch of the Principality of Monaco spoke to  People  magazine about how his wife and their five-year-old son and daughter— Prince Jacques  and  Princess Gabriella —are doing amid the pandemic. The royal dad revealed that Charlene and the twins are currently at their “country house at Roc Agel,” while he has been self-confining at his private palace apartment.

Prince Albert’s wife and twins are currently at their country home, Roc Agel© Getty Images
Prince Albert’s wife and twins are currently at their country home, Roc Agel

“They’ve been there pretty much since we came back from [French ski resort] Courchevel, so pretty much two weeks ago,” he shared. Albert has been keeping in contact via Skype, WhatsApp and FaceTime. “I can’t move much or too soon,” he said. “But as soon as I get the medical go-ahead, I’ll join them there.”

Thankfully Jacques and Gabriella have not exhibited any coronavirus symptoms. Albert said, “[They] have actually been a little sick with a stomach bug, so I haven’t been able to kiss them for more than a week. So I hope they won’t show symptoms, and so far they haven’t shown any.”

Jacques and Gabriella haven’t shown any coronavirus symptoms thus far© Getty Images
Jacques and Gabriella haven’t shown any coronavirus symptoms thus far

Albert anonymously underwent testing on Monday. Despite  testing  positive,  Grace Kelly ’s son admitted that he’s “feeling okay.” However, the Monaco royal has to “be careful” because of his “recent medical history fighting off pneumonia a couple of years ago.” When asked how he could have contracted the novel virus, the 62-year-old Prince replied, “Ask one of my cabinet members. It could have been from a number of other people. For weeks now I’ve tried to be cautious, using hand sanitizers and all that, but you never know.” “I could’ve caught it talking to someone from less than three or even four feet away,” he added. “And it could have happened at any point in the last 10 days or so. You never know.”

Albert stressed that everyone should “follow instructions” when it comes to the coronavirus. “Don’t mess around with this. This virus is serious and the propagation is very serious. It can hit anyone of any age group at anytime,” he said. “Look, we’re going to get through this. It’s going to take awhile. But everyone has to follow the recommendations. Yes, it’s a nuisance and yes, being confined is very limiting — but it’s the only way to stop the spread of this virus.”