Royals are expected to keep their cool and remain stoic at official events as a way of showing impartiality. But sometimes, they will find themselves truly moved by something they have experienced and will allow themselves to break royal protocol to show just how intensely they are feeling at the moment. Everyone from Queen Elizabeth II to Kate Middleton have shed a tear or two while on duty, reminding us that there is more to their ‘cool, calm and collected at all times’ appearance while they are at official events representing their country. Below we’ve gathered some moments when royals have broken protocol and shed a tear.
Crown Princess Mette-Marit shed a few tears during the 75th birthday celebration of her royal in-laws King Harald and Queen Sonja at the Oslo Opera House.
At the WellChild Awards in 2019, Prince Harry gave a moving speech where he reminisced about how he and wife Meghan Markle were the only ones who knew they were expecting during the 2018 edition of the award ceremony.
While at the Remembrance Sunday ceremony in 2019, The Queen shed a few tears as she paid tribute to all the war heros that sacrificed so much for the United Kingdom.
Princess Martha Louise and her daughters Emma Tallulah Behn, Leah Isadora Behn and Maud Angelica Behn
For the passing of Ari Behn, Princess Martha Louise and her daughters allowed themselves to grieve their tremendous loss. Mayd Angelica also delivered an emotional eulogy for her father.
During a ceremony makring her daughter Crown Princess Elisabeth’s 18th birthday, Queen Mathilde shed tears as her first-born gave her first official speech as the first future Queen by birth of Belgium.
Then-Princess Maxima was attending a 2010 memorial service with her husband for the victims of the Queen’s Day attack in April 2009 when she was overcome by emotion.