Our astrology and horoscope expert, Evan Nathaniel Grim,explained that this Mercury Retrograde will compel people to rethink their beliefs and perspectives on the world. "This could also lead people to re-assess their travel plans. This retrograde is very effective for completing a major writing, media, branding, or advertising project," he revealed.
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Mercury's energy will affect four zodiac signs. "Mercury will retrograde from 22 degrees of Sagittarius back to the 6 degrees of Sagittarius, which sits within the mutable modality," Evan shared, declaring that Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo will be the most influenced. The pre-retrograde/retroshade period will extend from Nov. 7 to 25, while the post-retrograde period will start Dec. 15 until Jan. 2.
"Sagittarius will be most directly impacted since Mercury is retrograding in their sign," Evan revealed.
"The effects will be the broadest for them and they could experience a slowdown in any major area of their life. They are the most likely to encounter communication difficulties or misunderstandings so they’ll have to mind their communication methods. They’ll be in an introspective mood and reconsidering a number of plans or projects. This is an opportune time to reflect and also to complete a range of unfinished tasks."
"Virgos will be revisiting home, property and family-related matters," Evan explained.
"They might reconnect with an estranged family member or reconcile with them. Other Virgos might experience a mix-up or misunderstanding with a landlord or property owner. This miscommunication could also occur within the family. Ultimately this is an opportune moment for completing unfinished home projects or for resolving conflict within the family."
"Pisces might trip over their own words in a career context or with any bosses, authority figures, managers or parents," Evan shared.
"Any public-facing communications should be handled with care. However, this is also a promising time for reflecting on career decisions and re-evaluating career progress. It is also an effective time to complete any unfinished work projects."
"Geminis will be reflecting primarily on their significant relationships. Ex-partners could return, or Geminis might seek to reunite with a past partner," Evan revealed.
"Geminis in existing relationships could have some communication difficulties with their partner, or they’ll revisit plans with a partner. Other Geminis might misconstrue the advice of a consultant, so it’s important to be very discerning in consultative situations. This is an opportune time to seek closure with a significant connection or to resolve something in a relationship."