Have you ever wondered which tarot card fits your personality the best? Your zodiac sign could be the answer to connect your unique self with one of the Major Arcana. For some signs like Leo or Gemini, it can be easier to deduce. Find the tarot card that fits you in our list!

The Emperor - Aries
Aries signs enjoy their privacy and inner circle, being loyal and supportive, which is why The Emperor is their tarot card. Aries are focused and have an incredible presence, achieving their goals and positioning themselves as a figure of respect and authority in every aspect of their lives.
The Hierophant - Taurus
Taurus signs are always open to learn and acquiring knowledge from other individuals, which is why The Hierophant represents their ability to explore new things and listen to people that will guide them through new experiences.
The Lovers - Gemini
No other card represents Gemini signs better than The Lovers. Known for being a strong sign, Gemini has a natural duality that can surface depending on the context of the people they are surrounded with, apart from constantly choosing between important decisions and paths in their lives.
The Chariot - Cancer
Despite being an emotional sign, Cancer signs have a set purpose in their lives, which is why they lead their lives despite changes or obstacles along the way. The Chariot represents their ability to move securely in their path.
Strength - Leo
This courageous and powerful sign is represented by the Strength. Leo signs can reinvent themselves and stand proud despite any obstacle, knowing when to fight for their believes or defend their stance.
The Hermit - Virgo
Virgo signs are always reminded of the need to take care of themselves and reconnect with what’s important for them. The Hermit indicates that after facing difficulties they can still find a way to find themselves and start from scratch.
Justice - Libra
Libra signs are always facing a decision when it comes to looking for the right choice, putting their emotions and rational thoughts on the line. Justice is their tarot sign, reminding them that there is always a way to reach balance in their lives.
Death - Scorpio
Scorpios are no strangers to new changes and transformations. Death is the perfect tarot card for them, as they can reborn and start again in any aspect of their lives, no matter what they face.
Temperance - Sagittarius
Sagittarius has no difficulty in finding a way out of a difficult situation. They are gifted with the Temperance, which will help them make the right decision and think calmly despite any storm taking place in their lives.
The Devil - Capricorn
The Devil is not necessarily a negative card for Capricorns. This tarot card represents their need to face their shadow-self and expand their spiritual side, transforming and getting through any negative thoughts or situations, and giving them the confidence to carry on.
The Star - Aquarius
Aquarius are known to be good listeners and helping their loved ones see the light during rough moments. The Star represents their ability to guide individuals, and giving them hope to continue their path.
The Moon - Pisces
Pisces are intuitive and emotional signs. They are connected to The Moon and they many changes that are attached to their sentimental transformations, which is why this tarot sign represents their personality in the best way.