Carolina Calix© Hola

Carolina Calix, the Latina bridging cultures and hearts on Miami radio waves

The Honduran American radio personality brings her love of pop culture to SiriusXM’s embracing her bilingualism and roots

NOVEMBER 29, 2023 1:59 PM EST

Carolina Calix is a charismatic and dynamic host on SiriusXM’s Hits One channel, bringing a unique energy with a perfect blend of the two predominant cultures in Miami: Latin and American. Born to Honduran parents, with a keen sense of humor and a deep understanding of the global entertainment industry, the South Florida radio personality possesses a broad perspective on life, a trait that directly resonates with her dedicated listeners who tune in from Monday to Friday, from 12 pm to 6 pm (ET), and on weekends from 10 am to 3 pm.

Growing up in ‘The Sunshine State,’ Carolina has accumulated over a decade of experience in the media, and her name has already endeared itself to those who relate not only to her voice but also to her inspiring life story.

Her remarkable journey into the realm of fame began serendipitously when she won tickets to the iconic ‘Watch the Throne’ concert by Jay-Z and Kanye West. The rest is an adventure she eloquently shares in an engaging interview with HOLA! USA.

Beyond her on-air persona, Carolina actively engages in philanthropic endeavors as a volunteer, collaborating with various charitable organizations, including the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Broward Humane Society, Ronald McDonald House Charities South Florida, Greater Miami & Miami Beach Baynanza, Voice in Sports, and Kiwanis International/Kiwanis of Little Havana.

© Hola

Photo: Enrique Tubio

¿Carolina, how did your interest in communications and radio originate?

I’m uncertain whether it’s an innate passion or something that developed through my upbringing. The knowledge that my parents immigrated to the United States from Honduras has always been a profound source of inspiration for me. I believe the fervor for realizing that one can be bilingual and come to this country to forge a brighter future, I inherited from them. Those of us fortunate enough to have immigrant parents often harbor a desire for more, and I think that’s where my drive originates. It’s this aspiration that I channel into my work in radio. Communication holds great significance within the Latin family, but when one aspires to grow to support their parents, it takes on a different dimension, becoming more of a necessity.

Do you have siblings?

Yes, I have three younger siblings, and I’m the eldest. I stand as the first member of my family to venture into the realm of radio personality. It’s an honor for me, a responsibility I approach with great care, particularly since my family didn’t come from a background associated with this profession. To elaborate, my parents were involved in construction. My mother graduated as an accountant but worked as a house cleaner, a job I also assisted with. My humble background has played a significant role in shaping the person I’ve become today.

“Those of us fortunate enough to have immigrant parents often harbor a desire for more, and I think that’s where my drive originates. It’s this aspiration that I channel into my work in radio” –Carolina Calix

Can you describe your initial experience or job in the music industry?

It’s rather intriguing, as I can’t ascertain whether it was destined or a twist of fate. My initial involvement in communications took root during middle school when I joined a television production team. Later, during high school, I served on the committee responsible for creating the school yearbook. Credit must be attributed to my teacher in that production role, Dr. Underwood, whose influence has been substantial. Many of us who were part of his class have gone on to achieve success in various facets of the industry, including editing, radio, television, and more. My education continued at Miami Senior High School, where I learned the intricacies of reading a teleprompter, presenting in front of a camera, crafting my own narratives, and gaining a deeper understanding of this multifaceted world. By the time I entered college, my father, considering our Hispanic background, candidly remarked, ‘That’s admirable, but let’s face it... careers in the media don’t pay particularly well’ [laughter].

Did your parents oppose your pursuit of a career in radio?

A little bit. It’s not the norm because when you’re an immigrant, you don’t come to this country looking for that kind of job due to the lack of Latino representation in the industry, and it seems like you can’t achieve that dream. So, when I got to college, I told myself, ‘My parents are right; I’ll pursue a career in Speech Therapy.’ Gradually, I was doing community service hours, and I won tickets to the Jay-Z and Kanye West concert, and that’s when my career took off. Now I’ve been in this for almost a decade, and like everything else, it has its ups and downs.

What do your parents say now? They must be very proud of you...

My parents mean everything to me, and thanks to them, I am who I am. Whenever I’ve faced any problems, they’ve been there for me, encouraging me to keep going and reminding me that I always have a home with them. I admire them for everything they’ve achieved, and without their efforts, I wouldn’t be here.

© Hola

Photo: Enrique Tubio

And now, look at you; you’re a prominent voice on the radio...

I thank God for that. Honestly, when I’m in the studio, I give it my all, trying to be authentic and show my true self, just as I am in real life. I always strive to remember, to draw strength from within, and every time I approach the microphone, I say, ‘God, only you know what will come out of my mouth’ [laughs]. It’s an honor for me, and I approach it with a lot of gratitude and humility.

What is your show about, and who are you behind that microphone?

I’m a Miami native who connects with everyone, sharing a bit of gossip and a cup of coffee. I have a deep love for pop culture, and I cherish being bilingual, allowing me to bridge the gap between American and Hispanic cultures. That’s what my show is all about. It also involves discussing topics related to love and relationships with the audience. I’m on the air for six hours, from 12 pm to 6 pm.

© Hola

Photo: Enrique Tubio

“Honestly, when I’m in the studio, I give it my all, trying to be authentic and show my true self, just as I am in real life” –Carolina Calix –

What has been the best moment or anecdote you’ve experienced on the radio?

One of the most beautiful aspects for me is when I’m engaging with the audience, not the celebrities. It’s the everyday people who truly touch my heart and inspire me. I’ve had many students come to learn, and witnessing their growth and gaining experience in the media excites me because many of them tell me that I opened the door for them to pursue their dreams. When that happens, I feel happy and fulfilled.

How do you envision your future?

Well, with the company, I feel like we will continue to grow and make a positive impact on society. Personally, and it’s something I think about all the time because I live in the moment, it’s about becoming better at what I do and giving back to the community. I want to get involved in the field of education.

Additionally, I have a deep love for animals. I want to focus on my roots, which have played a significant role in helping me get to where I am today. I attended a public school, and if it weren’t for those teachers who served as my mentors, I wouldn’t have achieved my current status. That’s why it’s important for me to leave a lasting impact, not only in my professional work but also in the realm of education. Even if I don’t receive recognition, I don’t mind; I want to help the new generation.