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Pet of the week: Dogs with Latino heritage to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

From Argentina to Chile and Cuba, here are the most adorable and graceful Latino dogs, in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month.

SEPTEMBER 15, 2023 5:43 PM EDT

Chihuahuas are definitely the most famous Latino dogs. However, there are a lot of breeds that are native to South and Central America, and even have an important history dating back to Colonial times. From Argentina to Chile and Cuba, here are the most adorable and graceful Latino dogs, in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month.

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This graceful pup has an incredible background, as it is known to be a loyal companion in ancient Aztec, described as the dog of the gods, with a 3,000-year-old history. This high energy breed dog is hairless and coated and exists in toy, miniature and standard size, just like the one in the image. They are also known to be very smart and elegant, with incredible strength.

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Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is described as a “pack-hunting dog” by the American Kennel Club. They are known to exist since the 1920s and are a great breed for families, however, they also need daily exercise as they are high energy dogs. The Dogo Argentino is an incredible muscular athlete with signature white, short and smooth coat, who likes to play, chase and catch, with great agility and lung capacity.

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While many think that Chihuahuas are originally from Mexico, other theories indicate that they were most likely brought from the Island of Malta by Spanish colonizers. Other theory details that they are actually from China, but despite their history being unknown, they are one of the most popular Latino pups, popular amongst Aztec nobility and high-society people, who loved the company of Chihuahuas during the 11th century.

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A Cuban native! The Havanese dog is one of the most adorable and playful pups, apart from being very popular and loyal among dog owners. They are known to have a curled-over tail and silky coat in different colors. Havanese dogs also adapt to different environments and are the perfect city dog, with a bubbly and sociable personality.

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Chilean Terrier

This sweet-eyed dog is a mix breed that is usually just found in Chile, with Smooth Fox Terrier and Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz descent. This Latino pup is friendly and affective, usually with black, white and tan colors. The breed dates back to Colonial times and was present in Latin America when European immigrants settled in the territory, bringing Smooth Fox Terriers to exterminate rodents.

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Brazilian Terrier

A native Brazilian. This pup has an incredible heritage, including Jack Russell Terriers, Parson Russell Terriers and Fox Terriers, after they were brought to Brazil from Europe in the 1800s. They are very obedient but need daily exercise and have a similar personality to the Jack Russell Terrier.