They were a group of Ancient Greek philosophers who followed the Stoic philosophy taught in the 3rd century BC by Zeno of Citium. The name comes from the Stoa, the public space in Athens where he held his classes.
Stoic philosophy is very practical, and centres on the development of reason, discipline and fortitude.
It teaches us be the best people we can be, no matter how difficult or complicated the world may be. For Stoics, circumstances do not matter as much as what we do with them. A happy and meaningful existence is based on cultivating character, choices and actions, not about things beyond our control.
Stoicism is still so much admired, more than two millennia after its appearance, that the word ‘stoical’ has become part of the language.
Here are some of the most useful sayings of Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius, the foremost Stoic philosophers.