Having small amounts of fat in your liver is normal, but many people - at least a quarter of Americans - have too much. The condition is known, logically, as fatty liver. It can lead to inflammation, which if untreated, can result in serious health problems including cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Some of the possible causes of fatty liver are overweight, excessive alcohol consumption and intolerance to medications. Symptoms are often not very noticeable, although you may experience tiredness and discomfort in the upper right hand side of thea abdomen.
As with many common health problems, there are certain plants which have traditionally been considered useful in treating the condition in its early stages. We mention some of these ‘liver-cleansing’ plants which can easily be taken as herbal teas. However it must be stressed that taking these in no way substitutes for diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health professional.
Herbalists believe that among the host of benefits this offers, it reduces the amount of fat in the bloodstream. Green tea is readily available loose - use one teaspoonful per cup of tea - or as tea bags. Not recommended if you suffer from insomnia, high blood pressure or ulcers.
Although we often use these to add flavor and aroma to food, they are also thought to help eliminate toxins from the body. Use one or two tablespoons of washed fresh leaves of either thyme or fennel, to make a cup of infusion.
Dandelion stimulates the different organs of the digestive system, helping the body to break down fats. Use one tablespoon of washed dandelion leaves per cup of infusion. Limit to two cups daily.
Disclaimer: This information is for general knowledge only and should not be used in place of professional medical advice. Always consult with your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider for advice on any medical concerns.