Menstruation is beautiful, but at times a painful thing people with a uterus have to experience. But there are solutions! YogaRenew Teacher Training instructor, Melie Purdon, shared four poses with HOLA! USA that can help you get through the cramps.
“Menstruation looks different for everyone. While some may breeze through their ‘time of the month,’ most women experience symptoms such as lower back pain, nausea, migraines, and cramps,” she said. “Recurrent menstrual pain can take a toll on women’s mental and physical health, inhibiting them to go through with their daily tasks. A well-rounded focused practice can alleviate the discomfort of period cramps and pains.”
Supta Padangusthasana 2 (Reclined Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose) with a strap
How to do it: Come onto your back. Strap the ball of your right foot holding both sides of the strap in your right hand. From your outer hip, turn your entire leg to the right and extend your leg to the side. Catch the side of your right thigh on a bolster and extend from your inner groin down your inner thigh and leg. Firm the kneecap to the thigh. Extend your left leg forward and flex your toes towards the ceiling as if you were standing up. Soften your belly and warp your left ribs and shoulder down towards the floor to counter the weight of the right leg stretching to the right. Keep Both shoulders away from the ears, your collar bones broad and your face relaxed.
Benefits: This is one of the most bang-for-your-buck poses! It stretches the legs and promotes flexibility in the hips. It stretches the pelvis organs, tones the inner thighs, and relaxes and strengthens the pelvic floor.
Prasarita Padottanasana (Standing Wide-Angle Pose) with a chair at the wall
How to do it: Come onto your back. Strap the ball of your right foot holding both sides of the strap in your right hand. From your outer hip, turn your entire leg to the right and extend your leg to the side. Catch the side of your right thigh on a bolster and extend from your inner groin all the way down your inner thigh and leg. Firm the kneecap to the thigh. Extend your left leg forward and flex your toes towards the ceiling as if you were standing up. Soften your belly and warp your left ribs and shoulder down towards the floor to counter the weight of the right leg stretching to the right. Keep Both shoulders away from the ears, your collar bones broad and your face relaxed.
Benefits: This is one of the most bang for your buck poses! It stretches the legs and promotes flexibility in the hips. It stretches the pelvis organs, tones the inner thighs, relaxes and strengthens the pelvic floor.
Janu Sirsasana (Head of the Knee Pose) with a bolster and blanket
How to do it: Sit on your mat and bend your right knee to the side. Keep your left leg straight and bring your inner right foot against your inner left thigh. Rest your knee to the side so the shape from above will resemble more a check mark than a tree pose. Place your hands on the mat by your hips and lift your chest. As you breathe in, extend your torso upward and your breath out fold over the props . Walk your hands forward on either side of your leg, press into your palm and lengthen your heart forward as you breathe in, as your breath out, soften your belly over the bolster and rest your head on the blanket.
Benefits: From the forward folding family, this pose promotes a quieting of the mind. It allows for the abdomen to relax.
How to do it: Place a bolster lengthwise on your mat, fold a blanket on the end to support your head and cervical spine. Fold a blanket on the top of your mat for your ankle, knees and shins the rest. Lay down on the support, putting a timer on to remind yourself to switch the cross of the legs half way.
Benefits: Supported reclined poses can act as a light switch for the nervous system. As soon as the body feels the support underneath it can let go and relax. This particular shape relaxes the abdominal muscles, stretches the pelvis but more so, it opens the chest which along with a quiet mind can significantly boost your morale
Disclaimer: This information is for general knowledge only and should not be used in place of professional medical advice. Always consult with your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider for advice on any medical concerns.