“Taking care of our health is easier than it seems, it’s just a matter of getting into good habits,” says Federico de Vicente of Gympass Iberia. Done regularly, these can all make a big difference.

Morning stretch
If you’re rushing around you may not hear the signals your body is sending you. So each morning when you wake up, spend a few minutes becoming aware of how it is feeling. Accompany this with a short stretching routine, which will help to free your mind, improve your posture and circulation, eliminate tension and give you energy to start the day.

Eat well
It’s not only about what you eat, it’s also about how. Try to eat at regular times, without stress, and avoid snacking between meals.

Keep moving
If you can’t find time for sport, you can still fit physical activity into your daily life by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking to the grocery store or moving around while making a phone call.

Deep breaths
Breathing is key to relaxation and mindfulness. In the middle of the day find a few minutes to stop and breathe slowly and deeply, focusing only on that without letting your mind stray.

Step outside
Enjoy some fresh air, the breeze on your face, the scent of fresh grass and the sound of birds.

Connecting with people we love is one of the best ways to lift our spirits. It’s also been shown to have beneficial effects on physical health.

Get a good night’s sleep
Many of our body’s functions, both physical and mental, are affected by lack of sleep. Most of us need between 7 and 8 hours a night to replenish our energy for the day ahead.