Concert tickets© Canva

Concert season: How to avoid fraud while buying your tickets

Scams happen more often than you think!

Senior Writer
SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 8:07 AM EDT

Now that we are leaving the lockdown days in the past, the excitement of returning to live concerts is something we’ve been looking forward to for a long time, and today, we have tons of options across the country to enjoy tours from our favorite artists.

Your dream concert is happening soon, but your pockets might not be happy since prices have increased exponentially. Still, you go into YOLO mode and decide to buy them. A week into the show, the tickets are nowhere to be found, and you realize that the “great deal” was a scam.

Dua Lipa Live in Concert© GettyImages

It sounds tragic, but scams happen more often than you think. If something looks or sounds suspicious, take a moment to reflect and consider its legitimacy. If you’re like Manuel Turizo, and you want to “Escuchar las canciones que un día te dedicaron” live, Chase recommends that you first consider these tips:

  • Do your research before you buy. Check that the information on the offer exactly mirrors the event information seen on the venue or act’s website – even a slight typo can be a telltale sign of a scam.
  • Even if you want to be in “un VIP, un VIP… ¡Ey!” with Bad Bunny, beware of prices that sound too good to be true. There is no way that a concert can offer tickets at meager prices without losing money. Always remember that if an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. ¡Sal corriendo!
  • Verify the contact’s information. Make sure the concert website has an actual phone number and email address.

What can you do to protect yourself?

  • Use payment methods that offer protection, such as your credit card. Avoid bank transfers and gift cards because you cannot get your money back.
  • No dejes que “te sorprendan to’s estos bobos con ticket (Don’t let ‘these fools with tickets surprise you’) by looking for safe sites. Visit the official website of the performer or event you are trying to buy tickets for. They will generally link to authorized sellers who will be selling genuine tickets. Legitimate ticket websites will allow you to purchase the tickets using your credit or debit card. If the site or ticket seller asks you to pay using a payment app, gift card, or wire transfer, that’s a warning sign that it might be a scam.
  • Avoid tickets sold on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, and other free online listings. Scammers are experts at providing realistic tickets and fake receipts.
  • Don’t automatically trust Internet search results. Search results may include paid advertisements, vendors charging high fees, and scams when searching for your tickets.
  • Don’t fall for pressure tactics. If a ticket reseller is using pressure tactics to get you to purchase tickets – that is also a warning sign that they could be trying to trick you out of your money.
  • Lastly, contact your bank immediately if you think you are a scam victim. If you believe you may have been a victim of a scam, there’s no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed. What’s most important is to take immediate action. If you purchased tickets from an authorized reseller, reach out to their customer service team for assistance and report the incident to law enforcement – both will guide you with the next steps.

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