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Detail of the great Calendar stone© GettyImages

What’s your sign according to the Aztec Zodiac?

Does yours make sense?

Jovita Trujillo
Senior Writer
JULY 4, 2022 1:13 PM EDT

Everyone loves talking about astrology. When we talk about Horoscopes we are usually talking about the astrology that originated in Mesopotamia (c. 3rd-millennium bc) and spread to India, before it developed its Western form in Greek civilization during the Hellenistic period, per Britannica. But the Aztecs, one of the most sophisticated civilizations when it came to agriculture, number systems, calendar, medicine, and poetry, had their own form of astrology. Specialists in Aztec Astrology have identified a horoscope with 12 signs and another one with 20. Today we will be looking at the first one which includes 12 different Aztec signs related to nature, ruled by a certain god or goddess that influences an individual’s behavior. The signs are not divided by dates of months, and the calendar gives specific days to each sign so that according to the day of birth, we will be one sign or another. We looked at descriptions from Padeye, and Horoscopes daily to learn about each sign. Check out what sign you are according to the Aztecs and see if you think it describes you.

Crocodile Heads On Quetzalcoatl Temple© GettyImages

1. Cayman (Cipactli)

Representing the origin of the Universe, the Cayman or crocodile was considered an agile and strong animal. This sign likes logical thinking, and is good at organizing, understanding, and analyzing.

Dates: January 04, 16, 18/ February 02 / March 10, 22 / April 03, 15, 27 / May 09, 21 / June 02, 14, 26 / July 8, 20 / August 1, 13, 25 / September 6, 12, 18, 30/ October, 12, 24 / November 5, 17, 29 / December 11, 23

2. Deer (Mázatl)

Representing prestige and beauty, people with this sign are, quick thinkers, efficient workers, sensitive, and vulnerable but can be highly sociable and like peace.

Dates: January 8, 20/ February 1, 6, 18/ March 2, 14, 26/ April 7, 19/ May 1, 13, 25/ June 6, 18, 30/ July 12, 24/ August 5, 17, 29/ September 10, 22/ October 4, 16, 28/ November 9, 21/ December 3, 15, 27.

3. Flower (xochiti)

Artistic, fun, and playful, the flower has artistic abilities and loves to socialize. They are creative, intuitive, and go-getters. They get easily bored and are sensitive, but private with their feelings.

Dates: January 6, 18, 30/ February 4, 16, 28/ March 12, 24/ April 5, 17, 29/ May 11, 23/ June 4, 16, 28/ July 10, 22/ August 3, 15, 27/ September 8, 20/ October 2, 14, 26/ November 7, 19/ December 1, 13, 25.

4. Home (Calli)

An appreciator of family, this sign likes people and is generous and welcoming. They appreciate tradition, knowledge, protection, and give off safe energy.

Dates: January 5, 17, 29/ February 3, 15, 27/ March 11, 23/ April 4, 16, 28/ May 10, 22/ June 3, 15, 27/ July 9, 21/ August 2, 14, 26/ September 7, 19/ October 1, 13, 25/ November 6, 18, 30/ December 12, 24.

5. Jaguar or Ocelot (Océlotl)

With relation to the sun and the heart, the Jaguar is gifted with strength but can easily become aggressive. They have leadership skills and can desire power and fame. They can be harsh when it comes to their mistakes or others, and will not try something unless they know they can succeed. They are sensual but can be jealous, and like knowing they are in control in relationships.

Dates: January 9, 21/ February 7, 19/ March 3, 15, 27/ April 8, 20/ May 2, 14, 26/ June 7, 19/ July 1, 13, 25/ August 6, 18, 30/ September 11, 23/ October 5, 17, 29/ November 10, 22/ December 6, 16, 28.

6. Snake (Coátl)

The snake is a symbol of fertility and prosperity. They believe in long-term planning and have a knack for business. They will usually never give up and are loyal to their friends and family. They love attention and can be seductive, or unstable lovers.

Dates: January 7, 19, 31/ February 5, 17, 29/ March 1, 13, 25/ April 6, 18, 30/ May 12, 24/ June 5, 17, 29/ July 11, 23/ August 4, 16, 28/ September 9, 21/ October 6, 15, 27/ November 8, 20/ December 2, 14, 26

Aztec calendar© GettyImages

7. Reed (Acatl)

The reed is a sign of light and unity that loves life. People with this sign are usually wise and want to achieve a balance between their emotions and the world and are optimistic.

Dates: January 10, 22 / February 08, 20 / March 04, 16, 28 / April 09, 21 / May 03 / May 15, 27 / June 08, 20 / July 02, 14, 26 / August 07, 19, 31 / September 12, 24 / October 06, 18, 30 / November 11, 23 / December 05, 17, 29

8. Rabbit (Tochtli)

Attributed to work and savings, this sign loves to enjoy life pleasure but likes to have control over their life. They are hard workers, and also highly sociable.

Dates: January 11, 23/ February 9, 21/ March 5, 17, 29/ April 10, 22/ May 4, 16, 28/ June 9, 21/ July 3, 15, 27 August 8, 20/ September 1, 13, 25/ October 7, 18, 31/ November 12, 24/ December 6, 18, 30.

9. Eagle (Cuauhtli)

The eagle brings value, strength, and passion. The energetic and confident sign never gives up and is usually intelligent. They can make their way out of difficult situations and find the light. They can also be very seductive.

Dates: January 12, 24/ February 10, 22/ March 6, 18, 30/ April 11, 23/ May 5, 17, 29/ June 10, 22/ July 4, 16, 28/ August 9, 21/ September 2, 14, 26/ October 8, 20/ November 1, 13, 25/ December 7, 19, 31.

10. Monkey (Ozomatli)

The monkey is linked to the God of fire and was highly regarded by the community for its modesty and charm. People with this sign are determined, loyal, beautiful, and seductive.

Dates: January 1, 13, 25/ February 11, 23/ March 7, 19, 31/ April 12, 24/ May 6, 18, 30/ June 11, 23/ July 5, 17, 29/ August 10, 22/ September 3, 15, 27/ October 9, 21/ November 2, 14, 26/ December 8, 20.

11. Flint (Tijax)

The flint represented the struggle of ideals in the Aztec horoscope. They can be vindictive, but social, brace, and fun people. They have a sense of reality that often allow them to achieve their goals.

Dates: January 2, 14, 26/ February 12, 24/ March 8, 20/ April 1, 13, 25/ May 7, 19, 31/ June 12, 24/ July 6, 18, 30/ August 11, 23/ September 4, 16, 28/ October 10, 22/ November 3, 15, 27/ December 9, 21.

12. Dog (Itzcuintli)

The dog represents the maximum goddess in the horoscope. This sign is sensitive, faithful, and always ready to help. They could also be very artistic.

Dates: January 03, 15, 27 / February 13, 25 / March 09, 21 / April 02, 14, 26 / May 08, 20 / June 1, 13, 25 / July 7, 19, 31 / August 12, 24 / September 5, 17, 29, October, 11, 23 / November 4 , 16, 28 / December 10, 22

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