Norman the scooter dog© YouTube

Pet of the week: Remembering Norman, the fastest scooter dog

Norman also learned how to ride a bike, achieving his second Guinness World Record for the title Fastest 30 m on a bicycle by a dog.

Daniel Neira - Los Angeles
Senior WriterLos Angeles
JUNE 3, 2022 7:29 PM EDT

Norman was definitely one of the most beloved celebrity dogs in the world. This charismatic, talented and record-breaking furry friend became an instant sensation online for his intelligence, achieving the fastest 30 meters on a scooter by a dog.

His owner, Karen Cobb, previously detailed his journey and revealed how he became one of the most fan-favorite pets on the internet, winning two Guinness World Records.

After becoming interested in Briards, Karen decided to bring home this unique breed to train him, and while she had her hands full with two pets and two children she decided to fly to Washington State to find her new companion.

Guinness World Records© Guinness World Records

Karen had to pick between four puppies, “Of those four I played hide and seek to see who cared that I left. Norman cared a lot,” she explained.

Norman was a quick learner. He was able to sit, lay down and look on command before going back to Atlanta, Georgia, with his new owner. But he would later surprise his family even more when he became interested in the scooter.

“We started introducing him to many of the kids’ toys in the backyard, so he would not be fearful. The scooter was one of them and he just loved it!” Karen shared, “Norman basically thought he was one of the kids, whatever they did, he wanted to try. I noticed this the first time we went to a playground and my kids went up the ladder and down the slide, and Norman followed right after.”

His talent and playful personality would be the key to winning his first Guinness World Record, and with the support of his family, he would soon learn how to surf, longboard, jump rope, play basketball and more.

© Guinness World Records

Norman also learned how to ride a bike, achieving his second Guinness World Record for the title Fastest 30 m on a bicycle by a dog.“I really think he believes he’s human. He certainly acts human,” Karen said at the time.

The charming and talented pet was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2017, making a full recovery after undergoing a difficult health journey. Sadly, his owner posted a statement in April 2022 announcing that Norman had passed away, sharing a sweet message about their time together and honoring his legacy.