A cat playing in a yard in Beijing, China© GettyImages

How much does your cat understand? You may be surprised

When you say their name, some cats will even meow back, while some others might tilt their head to the side or pivot their ears.

NOVEMBER 5, 2021 4:28 PM EDT

Have you ever wondered what your pet thinks about you, or if they understand what you are saying? Well, we have some answers for all the cat lovers out there.

When it comes to human language, your cat understands words in the same way we understand their meowing, meaning they can comprehend some of what you are trying to say, responding to vocalization, gestures, and even expressions.

Cats still remain very mysterious animals, so they can definitely understand certain tones of your voice but still lack cognitive skills to fully understand words.

Your feline friend also recognizes the sound of your voice, as they enjoy bonding with their owner, being highly social animals that can easily pick up on your emotions if you are feeling sad, happy or concerned.

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It seems like the most important difference between cats and dogs in terms of communication is that cats definitely take the initiative to interact with humans, while dogs are domesticated to obey orders.

If you are still wondering how your cat feels about you, try to study their reactions at home, closely observing their body language when you say their name, some cats will even meow back, while some others might tilt their head to the side or pivot their ears.