There is nothing more important than health — something that has proven true now more than ever before. While many are staying home as a way to stir clear of the coronavirus (also known as COVID-19), there are some how must go out like essential workers (medical professions, police, recuse workers, grocery workers and many more). The World Health Organization (WHO) has released five steps that everyone can implement in case they find themselves needing to go out during this period of uncertainty. Below there are five things that you can do every day to help keep you safe.
Make it a habit of constently washing your hands for a full 20 seconds with soap and water. If soap and water aren’t available, use hand sanitizer. Keep some hand lotion close by in case your hands feel a little dry from all the washing.
COVID-19 spreads via airborne droplets that are produced from sneezing and coughing. This is why health experts recommend sneezing and coughing into elbows and tissues (or shirts) to help with the spread of the germ. Don’t forget to wash your hands and throw out tissue right after!
Limit and avoid the touching of your face, eyes, nose and mouth. This will help keep the coronavirus from entering your system since your hands are constently touching different surfaces. If your hands touch an infected surface the virus can quickly transfer if you touch your face.
It is suggested that you keep a distance of at least three to six feet from others when you step outside. This will help you stay clear of any airborne droplets that may come from an infected person.