Victoria Villasana has a talent for making art out of colors and stitches. What for some may simply serve as a good image, for Villasana, it represents a perfect opportunity to flex her creative muscles, a skill that has earned her international acclaim. A graduate of ITESO University in Mexico, Villasana spent years working in fashion in London, an experience that prompted her to intervene in photographs of artists and personalities belonging to pop culture.
Her technique and creativity attracted the attention of the art community in London, opening doors that allowed her to be known by other experts in the field. Villasana leaves her imprint in her work by adding different knits and prints in images, adding a new element to these stories.
"The only thing I've always been aware of from a young age is that I wanted to do something creative," she said to Activista Media.
One of Villasana's goals has always been to leave Mexican culture up high. Her art allows her to communicate through her knitting, allowing her to create artistic work that's relevant to her culture even while being based abroad. "I feel like when I moved, a part of me missed Mexico a lot. I needed color to connect with my country again, and that became my expressive style," she explained.
While each piece of hers is very different from the other, her art is characterized by her knitting style, where she leaves strings hanging from the edge of the frame, a detail that adds a touch of the surreal to her work, making it seem as if the work is unfinished. "It's very important for me to use art to open bridges and create conversations."
Villasana's popularity and prestige has granted her some amazing opportunities, including working with Rihanna, Nike, Netflix, and more. She's also managed to take the ancient tradition of knitting while incorporating with more modern technologies, like sewing machines, allowing her work to become a link between the past and the present.
"The stories behind every photo that I pick represent things that go beyond our human spirit. The faces of people, for me, are history."
Through her work, Villasana presents her artistic and personal journey as a migrant. It's a story that has become an inspiration for thousands of people with similar backgrounds.
"Every migrant faces difficulties. This has made me a better artist, better person, and more. No one has lived your life. If you create something from that, you'll make something that's authentic."