Digital Cover latinapowerhouse© Daniela Salcedo


Daniela Salcedo

This Colombian designer wants to empower women through her brand

SEPTEMBER 29, 2024 3:00 AM EDT

Few jewelry brands manage to convey the essence of their creator in such an original and creative way, and that is precisely what has made Daniela Salcedo and her brand, one of the most recognized in Latin America.

Daniela Salcedo started her jewelry business in 2014 in Colombia when she had to create a business project for her university, a business that was created unexpectedly and that today, due to her passion for design and for creating a universe that goes beyond her jewelry brand, Daniela Salcedo has two boutiques in Bogotá and Cali and an online store that has allowed women around the world to fall in love with her pieces.

© Daniela Salcedo

The magic of this jewelry firm lies in its originality because, in addition to the hearts (one of the brand's signature figures), the Colombian designer defines her designs as edgy but colorful, and urban but romantic, managing to transmit her vision through each handmade piece, with the firm mission of empowering each woman who wears them.

“Today, I communicate what my eyes see through jewelry, tomorrow it could be a book, a scent, a candle, a pair of sunglasses, who knows!”

Daniela Salcedo

In addition to being a talented designer, Daniela Salcedo has created a community of more than 375 thousand followers on her personal Instagram account, where she openly shares her experience with motherhood as a mother of two, in addition to transmitting her passion for fashion - through her original style - as well as her most personal reflections, her entrepreneurship, her life as a couple, and of course, the love for each of her creations.

© Daniela Salcedo

"And one day you realize that you are there, right in the place and time where you always wanted to be. And I stand in front of the DS building and say to my sister: 'Now we are going to take on the world'"

Daniela Salcedo

Daniela Salcedo's success does not lie only in her pieces, as she has understood that the most important thing about a brand is not the product but how you communicate it, and today, her brand has managed to transmit the message of empowerment for contemporary women, representing authenticity, and managing to tell a story through each piece. “I go to the workshop to learn about the materials, to build my product from scratch, and to know how each of the pieces is made. I am always there.”

© Daniela Salcedo

In partnership with her sister and inspired by her travels, the DNA of her brand is clear in each collection. “For me, it is vital what my pieces transmit to a woman when she is wearing them. I consider myself an extremely feminist person. I am not an activist, but through my brand, I seek to generate some change and transmit the message," she declared.