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Calle y Poche

The Colombians are breaking barriers and leading a generation

OCTOBER 5, 2022 12:42 PM EDT

The influencer market is crowded, yet still, Daniela Calle and Maria Jose Garzon, known as their handle Calle y Poche, have managed to make their mark. They’re two of the biggest influencers in Latin America, having over 4.1 million followers on TikTok, 5.2 million on Instagram, and 7.5 million subscribers on YouTube.

Born in Colombia, the two women have been making videos for years. The fact that they’re a couple in real life is a part of what makes their clips so enjoyable, with all of their content going beyond the looks and the cool photos. While the two have been around making videos since 2015, it wasn’t only until 2017 that they addressed their relationship directly, uploading an unfiltered video where they discussed their sexualities at length. The two shared that they were bisexual and how they arrived at the place where they were at the time, realizing that their feelings went beyond friendship.

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Calle y Poche are influencers, but they’re also concerned with building something with their brand and helping the world become a more inclusive place, somewhere where people are free to be themselves and speak their minds. In their coming out video, they discuss that they made the decision to comment on their relationship since they felt it was important for people to be exposed to a gay relationship, especially coming from a place like Colombia, where there aren’t a lot of out LGBTQ role models.

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More recently, Calle y Poche work on “Bilateral” a podcast where the two have guests over and discuss hot button topics for couples. Episodes discuss marriage, infidelities, money, open relationships, and more, creating a space for nuanced discussions and where they can broach topics where they don’t always agree.

Their candidness and willingness to be themselves and to be as transparent as possible have landed them all of their achievements and a supportive fan base. Calle y Poche have hosted the MTV Millennial Awards (MIAW), have published a book, and continue to grow their business. We expect many more amazing and groundbreaking things to come.