Mrs. Alba Ramos Beauty Influencer© Mrs. Alba Ramos

Alba Ramos

After an Autism diagnosis, Ramos chose a toxin-free lifestyle. Today, she only shares products she believes are beneficial for our health and the planet with her thousands of followers.


Alba Ramos is Dominican-born, and New York City raised is a self-proclaimed clean beauty and non-toxic everything influencer. Ramos grew up in Harlem, speaking Spanish as her first language and attending Catholic School. Ramos always loved the fashion industry; therefore, she enrolled at the Fashion Industries High School to become a fashion designer.

After landing her first job at Abercrombie & Fitch in 2006, she met a professional model, and from their relationship, their first son was born. Ramos chose to pause college and become a stay-at-home mom at 21 until the baby was older. Ramos said she “ didn’t feel comfortable going back to school or work yet while he was a baby,” so she decided to always stay home with him.

© Alba Ramos

Finding other ways to keep herself entertained, in 2010, she decided to launch a Youtube channel as a hobby. Ramos‘s main goal was “to connect with others while still being a mommy at home.” During that time, not everybody knew that YouTubers could monetize and grow fame on the platform; therefore, Alba didn’t take it seriously until 2011-2012 when she began to share her hair recovery after “experiencing severe heat damage” and lost her natural curls.

Alba’s experience grew up her audience and viewership, and from there, the rest is history. After continuing to make videos and getting comfortable and creative with her content, she secured her first beauty campaign with a significant brand.

When her firstborn got diagnosed with Autism, she chose a toxin-free lifestyle. Today, Alba only shares products she believes are beneficial for our health and the planet with her thousands of followers. The expert says she “learned a new way to view beauty and natural living.”