As the world is talking about the newest couple JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers, we're also in the midst of a Bachelor baby boom! Ahead of National Bump Day on August 3, The Bachelorette alum Emily Maynard, who is expecting her third child, chatted with HELLO! to give us the scoop on Bachelor Nation’s new generation of babies, the reality show's current star and why she'd "beg" her own daughter not to go on the show.
Pregnant Emily and Tyler with her 11-year-old daughter Ricki, from a previousrelationship, and son Jennings Photo: Instagram/@emilygmaynard
First up, though, we're talking the bumps in the road of her pregnancies – particularly severe morning sickness, which Kate Middleton famously struggled with while pregnant with Prince George and Princess Charlotte.
Emily suffered fromthe illness last year, while pregnant with her and husband Tyler Johnson’sfirst child Jennings — she is also a mom to 11-year-old daughter Ricki Hendrick from a previousrelationship — and again during her current pregnancy. “That’s actually how I figured out Iwas pregnant," she confessed. In her second trimester, she adds, "I just was feeling so sick and chasing Jennings around and trying tokeep up with Ricky’s schedule.”
However, theexpectant mom is feeling much better these days (she credits the prescription medicine Diclegis, which should only be used under the close guidance of your doctor, for helping her) and is eagerlyawaiting the arrival of her new bundle of joy. While family is going to letthe baby’s gender be a surprise, Emily confessed that Ricki is hopingfor a boy. She revealed, “I think she wants to stay the only girl.”
Emily says she's now "so far removed" from the world of The Bachelorette Photo: Instagram/@emilygmaynard
The Bachelorettealum welcomed her daughter in 2005 after the tragic death of her beloved fiancée Ricky Hendrick. Emily later soughtlove again on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette before meeting her husband Tylerat church. As for whether she’d be keen on Ricki followingin her footsteps one day and starring on the ABC reality show, Emily said, “I would do the same thing that my family did – and beg her not to."
The 30-year-old also admitted that her daughter won't be watching her old franchise anytime soon. “Hopefullynot until I’m dead,” she joked. “Not while I’m alive!”
Read on for more of our in-depth chat with the reality star...
Emily, you're pregnant and already a mom-of-two – how do you balance it all?"Well, I justreally not to try to balance it all to be honest. I just try to give myself alot of grace and know that some days I'll do things better than others and somedays I’ll feel like I bombed everything, but I think all moms feel that way. Ithink everybody feels that way in life – just to wake up and try better thenext day."
Ricki and Jennings are excited about welcoming a new brother or sister Photo: Instagram/@emilygmaynard
Do you think you're going to have another one after number three?"In my mind Ithink so, but ask me after this one has been here for a couple of weeks!"
Now what is the best and worst part about being pregnant?"The worst partis definitely being sick and just feeling like you have to suffer through it,but thankfully I have gotten that under control. The best partis just knowing that you're making a human being. Just knowing at the end you're going to have a baby, and that’s always fun."
Who in Hollywooddo you think has the best pregnancy style?"Blake Lively always looks pretty. Style isreally pretty far down on my list of things that are important right nowto be honest [laughs]. I wish that I was, like, that cute pregnant person, butI’m just not these days. I gave up on that a while ago!"
Now is Ricki excited to be a big sister again? I’m sure she is already a big help withJennings."Oh yes! She’sreally excited. I still try to make time for just the two of us and Tyler isreally good about that, too. Just still making sure that she feels specialbecause for so long it was just her... but she’s really excited. She’s a great big sister."
Is she hopingfor a little sister this time around?"You would thinkso, but I think she wants to stay the only girl. I think she wants it to be aboy. She has so much fun with Jennings."
She confessed that The Bachelorette is "on way too late" for her to keep up with it Photo: Instagram/@emilygmaynard
What areJennings latest milestone?"I mean he’strying to walk. He’s all over the place."
Now there havebeen so many new Bachelor, Bachelorette babies. Have you figured out a way toget the next generation of Bachelor Nation together for play dates?"Oh gosh, my lifein Charlotte [North Carolina] is so normal and I’m so far removed from that whole world. I thinkI might just have to stick with the Instagram updates, but I’m really excitedfor all of them. I know they’re going to be great moms, so I'm really excited.Ali’s baby is so cute. I’m really excited for them."
Are you watching the Bachelorette this season?"You know I’vealways been such a huge fan of the show, but it comes on way too late! I’ve been catching up on the updates in the news and frommy friends and things like that. I think JoJo is so cute and I hope it allworks for her."
"I hope it all works out for her," she says of just-engaged JoJo, right Photos: Getty Images/ ABC/Craig Sjodin
Once you becomea Bachelorette, is there some sort of unspoken bond or sisterhood between allof you?"I know that Iwill always be there for any of them if they need anything and I think the samefor them. I think we’ve all just seen each other go through the ups anddowns that the show can bring youthrough, and I’m just really excited and happy for each of them and the waytheir lives have turned out."
Would she everdo another reality show maybe with your family?"No. I think myreality show days are over."
What would youever say if Ricki came to you and said she wanted to do the Bachelorette or Bachelor?"I would do thesame thing that my family did and beg her not to!"
Really, your family toldyou not to do it?"They did. I meanafter the fact they understand why I did and all that, but at the time Bachelor Pad was airing and so my mom just saw this like crazy show and just thought – 'Noway my daughter cannot do that!' But they were really proud of everything andthey get it, but I still would beg Ricki not to [laughs]."