If you've finally decided to take the plunge and start a diet, then this is for you: not all carbs make you gain weight. For a long time we thought that this food group was the archenemy of a healthy diet, but this isn't the case. Although there are some carbs you need to look out for if you're watching your figure, others are beneficial and even necessary if you want to lose weight.
Our bodies need carbohydrates as part of a balanced diet, in order to give you energy and help you feel full. So here's a delicious list of these “magic” carbs:

Nutritious grains
Introducing barley into your diet will increase levels of the gut hormones that regulate metabolism and appetite, because it's rich in fiber. So eating these grains will reduce the sensation of hunger. You can use it to make delicious pancakes, stews, soups, salads or even add it to yummy grilled mushrooms.

Fruitful vegetable...
If you love potatoes, then it's a good idea to switch them out for sweet potatoes. As well as their delicious sweet flavor, they're fat free and have a lower calorie and sodium content. One medium-sized sweet potato contains approximately 27 grams of carbohydrates. If you want to lose weight, the recommended daily intake of carbohydrates is roughly 100 grams for increasing your metabolism.

Refresh your palate
Fruit is an essential part of our diet because of the nutrients and liquid they contain, making them the ideal snack. Try a cup of raspberries that will provide approximately 15 grams of carbohydrates, of which eight milligrams are fiber. This refreshing option is rich in natural antioxidants, soluble fiber and folic acid, so it helps to neutralize the negative influence of free radicals in the body.

Powerful fiber
Are you one of those people who associates quinoa with dieting? Well, it really is the best option when it comes to feeling full for longer, and it's gluten free! This powerful grain contains almost double the amount of fiber as similar grains, and it contains small quantities of free fatty acids. A 90g portion of cooked quinoa provides 19.7 grams of carbohydrates. You can add it to things like sautéed vegetables and salads.

A tempting source of energy
Finally, the long-awaited “bread” category! So which is best? The answer would have to be rye. It's the winner when it comes to controlling blood sugar levels, providing a healthy source of energy, regulating appetite, and helping to reduce fat around the stomach. One crunchy slice contains 22 grams of carbohydrates. Excellent!

Your most trusted ally when it comes to nutrition: oats! We just couldn't leave these little guys off the list. Whether in flakes or flour, it's one of the most famous weight-loss foods thanks to their slow-release carbohydrates, which means that their energy is released gradually in the body so you feel satisfied for longer.
For a delicious breakfast option, try it with cinnamon, almond butter, or a teaspoon of coconut sugar.

A great substitute
You must already know that lentils are your friends when it comes to losing weight in a healthy way. They contain 16 grams of fiber per cup, which speeds up the metabolism and regulates all digestive processes for proper body function, so it can be a great substitute for red meat.

Comforting fats
When it comes to healthy fats, avocados are the one. They are considered one of the most recommended foods for weight loss due to their enormous satiating power. The carbohydrates in this fruit are natural, which means that a 50g portion of fresh avocado provides a total of four grams of carbohydrates. They are also an excellent source of fiber.

A succulent snack
To give the palate the pleasure it deserves, while also sticking to your diet, there's nothing better than a handful of nuts. But just a handful, don't go overboard.
They provide a lot of calories in a tiny package, which is why in order to benefit from what they have to offer, you should eat them in moderation, otherwise they will turn your balanced diet into a not-so-balanced one. Try almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, pistachios, or peanuts.
Now you can add these carbohydrates to your nutritional plan without remorse, and it won't be long before you notice the difference in your measurements.