Recetas de Navidad con productos ibericos Fermin

Fermín: the brand of Iberian products that will make you feel at home this Christmas

If this year the pandemic doesn’t allow you to travel, enjoy travelling from home

DECEMBER 9, 2020 12:29 PM EST

The increase in COVID-19 cases in the United States is changing everyone‘s plans. And it is that this year the trips will be minimal and many families will spend the holidays far from their homes. But what if we put a good face on bad weather? The pandemic is teaching us to value the really important things, such as family time, eating with friends, visiting grandparents ...

On our side is to see the positive side and enjoy these dates in a different way. That is why we propose Fermín, a Spanish brand of Iberian products ideal for preparing gourmet dishes and tapas. And it is that Fermín is not just any brand, it is the brand chosen by chef José Andres in terms of Iberian products. The brand has a very varied offer of products for all budgets. These delicatessen will allow us to travel from the living room to enter the deepest Spain.

In this gallery we present you some of their products and ideas to make sophisticated recipes in a very simple way.

© @FerminIberico

Tumaca bread with Iberian ham

A good plate of Iberian ham accompanied by tumaca bread is a guaranteed success. It is important that the ham is well cut, that is, the slices have to be very thin so that they melt on the palate. If you don’t think you can cut the ham leg, Fermín gives you the option of buying the products prepared and cut by his specialists. That way it won’t take you long to prepare.

You just have to toast bread and grate tomato. We recommend that it be a bread that is crunchy, that is, with little crumb. The more ripe the tomatoes, the better. The tomato is grated with the help of a grater and placed in a bowl. We add a little extra virgin olive oil and salt flakes.

And now everything is ready, each diner will take bread and with the help of a spoon tomato will be served to taste and will put Iberian ham on top.

© @lacocinanomuerde

Pumpkin cream with Iberian bacon tacos

A pumpkin cream, like this one proposed by chef Doreen Colondres, is a dish that helps guests to warm up on cold days. And in addition, pumpkin is a seasonal product, tasty, very nutritious and at a good price. To make a pumpkin cream a special dish, we can add some Fermín Iberian bacon cubes, that way it will be much tastier.

Recipe for 2-4 people:


3 cups of sweet pumpkin, cut into small cubes

2 cups of natural chicken or vegetable broth

1 large white onion, cut medium

6-8 whole fresh garlic

2 tablespoons of olive oil

3 slices of Iberian bacon Fermín

2 tsp thyme

2 tsp fresh sage

Salt to taste


In a small pot we heat the olive oil and brown the garlic for a minute. Add the onion until it is soft and translucent. We add the pumpkin, stir, and add the broth, stir again and add the salt. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes, until it is soft. With the help of a mixer, we pass everything until it is smooth and creamy.

Meanwhile we cook the bacon until it is crispy and add the thyme. We set it aside on a plate with a napkin underneath. It is served in a bowl and the Iberian bacon garnish is added on top.

You‘ll love it!

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Scrambled eggs with Iberian chorizo

Who doesn‘t like chorizo? And fried eggs? And potatoes? Well imagine a dish that combines everything. It is super simple to prepare and, if you use a good chorizo such as the Iberico de Fermín, you will turn it into a gourmet dish.

The recipe for 4 people:


6 potatoes

Iberian chorizo Fermín 7oz

3 organic eggs

Salt to taste


1. Peel the red potatoes and fry them in a frying pan, preferably with extra virgin olive oil.

2. Cut the chorizo into slices or cubes, as you like.

3. Fry the eggs, preferably also with extra virgin olive oil.

4. Put the fries on a large plate and the chorizo and fried eggs on top.

5. Once all the diners are seated at the table, the eggs are broken, all the ingredients are mixed and served.

A tip: for an even tastier touch, use truffle salt.

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Iberian table set accompanied by a good wine

One of the most famous tapas is the Iberian table, and it will be even tastier if it is accompanied by a good wine. With Fermín products you can prepare Iberian ham, loin, chorizo and salami boards. It is also common to add bread spikes and nuts such as marcona almonds as a side.

But what about the drink? Wine enhances the flavor of Iberian products.

Cava is considered the best wine to accompany a piece of Iberico. Also, almost any champagne or sparkling wine will go well. Most of the time, they are high in acid and low in alcohol, so the experience will be perfect.

If you are more adventurous and sophisticated, the most traditional combination is an acorn-fed Iberian ham and a dry sherry from Jerez (Andalusia, Spain). It is recognized as the perfect pairing for the Spanish.

Another absolutely exceptional pairing is with a fino or chamomile, they have a clean and refreshing taste. These dry, high alcohol content wines will contrast with the salty complexities of acorn-fed Iberico.

Other excellent pairings are the traditional styles of Tempranillo wines from Rioja or Ribera del Duero. A traditional Rioja pairs well with chorizo, and a classic Ribera del Duero pairs well with tenderloin and salami.

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Asparagus wrapped in Iberian ham

It is common to prepare good meat but many times we go crazy thinking with what to accompany it. Asparagus wrapped in Iberian ham is a tasty and healthy option, very simple to prepare and above all fast. If you don‘t want it as a side, but as a first course, add a fried egg and that’s it.

You just have to wrap the asparagus in loaches of Iberico ham Fermín, put a splash of extra virgin olive oil and put in the oven at 325ºF. In about 15 minutes it will be ready. The ham will be crispy.

Note: be careful with the salt, the ham is a product that in itself salts the dishes a lot, we recommend not adding salt until it is tasted.

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Iberian ham croquettes

The Iberian ham croquettes is a very useful tapa, since they are liked by everyone and it is very easy to eat. Besides being very tasty. The key to good croquettes is a good béchamel and a good Iberian ham that enhances its flavor, like Fermín‘s.

To make them we mix the bechamel with the ham, roll the croquettes and wrap them in breadcrumbs. The ideal is to freeze them before so that they do not fall apart when frying. Once frozen, they are fried, if possible in extra virgin olive oil, it is advisable to fry them at low or medium temperature so that they are done well on the inside and do not burn on the outside.

In Spain it is one of the star dishes in any restaurant, be it a roadside bar or a luxury restaurant. And it is that the important thing is the raw material, and with a good Iberian ham, you can prepare exquisite gourmet croquettes.

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Gazpacho with Iberian ham shavings

Gazpacho is a very tasty and fresh tomato soup. It is made with tomato, cucumber, green pepper, extra virgin olive oil, vinegar and salt. You just have to mix all the ingredients in the blender. At Christmas, they can be served in small glasses as a tasting lid, without involving a large plate, simply to change the flavor of other dishes.

The ideal touch? Add a few cubes of Iberian ham. The combination is an explosion of flavor in your mouth. The ham can be added raw, or you can even bake Iberian slices and add it to the gazpacho. A healthy and delicious recipe that has been replicated around the world.