Whether you’re trying to stay in shape or are always feeling hungry even after eating, you need to choose your food well. If you tend to snack on white bread, cookies and pastries, you should know that these foods are usually digested quickly because they are simple carbohydrates and sometimes contain too much sugar. This causes a momentary “sugar high” followed by more feelings of hunger.
So what foods should you eat to satisfy your hunger? The secret is choosing foods that take longer to digest, contain healthy fats and are high in fiber. All of these factors work in your favor. Both if your weakness is snacking and if you’re looking to lose a few pounds, these foods will help you feel fuller longer and help you avoid that feeling of hunger-induced anxiety.
Include complex carbohydrates – beans, tubers, vegetables, wholegrain bread, pasta and grains in your snack rotation. They release energy gradually and are absorbed more slowly so you’ll feel fuller for longer. As a general rule, remember that hot foods and foods with high amounts of protein, water, and fiber make you feel sated. This is exactly how you’ll feel after snacking on the foods in this list.
Oatmeal is the perfect food because it has higher than average grain protein content and will make you feel full for longer, helping you curb cravings between meals.
Wholegrain carbs are more nutritious than white, processed foods. Wholegrain bread, for instance, is much more nutritious than white bread, though this does not mean it is any less calorific. Wholegrain carbs are also rich in fiber, making them the quintessential satiating food. If you combine them with some protein, you’ll feel even fuller.
Lentils, chickpeas and other beans make you feel full as a result of their combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. They’re a nutritionally well-balanced food.
A study on different foods conducted by the University of Sydney created a satiety index andskin-on cooked potatoes got the number one ranking due to their vitamins, minerals, fiber and even protein. Pair them with veggies to feel even more satisfied.
Soups can fill you up without leading to excess weight gain. They can be eaten hot or cold. If you add protein, vegetables and legumes, they’ll leave you feeling even more sated.
Vegetables contain a great deal of water and fiber so they’ll help your stomach to feel full. Some great snacking options include carrots and celery. The great thing about having veggies for a snack is that you can eat them in large quantities since they are low in calories.
Avocados are a versatile food that can be used in all kinds of recipes. It works perfectly in sandwiches, salads and even on its own. It contains monounsaturated fatty acids, i.e., healthy fat, which benefits the cardiovascular system and also provides a great source of vitamins B6, C, E and K.
This snack is incredibly filling between meals. Nuts provide a great deal of protein, minerals and healthy fatty acids. Just remember to consume them in moderation – a handful will do – because they are high in calories.
Popcorn is another great option for snacking between meals or while you watch a movie or TV show. It is low in calories and rich in fiber.
In addition to including these foods in your diet more frequently, be sure to chew them well and slowly. This will improve the quality of your digestion and give your brain time to receive the message that your body is full.