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Mushroom tacos recipe, hongos tacos© Rocco’s Tacos & Tequila Bar

Munch on this: the hongos tacos of your dreams

Celebrate World Vegan Month with this ‘meaty’ recipe

NOVEMBER 11, 2019 1:13 PM EST

Tacos are a foodie’s best friend. They are versatile, savory handheld bites of utter goodness that always leave us wanting to go for more (hello, seconds and thirds). November is World Vegan Month, a holiday that helps bring awareness to all the great (and delicious) things that go into living a plant-based lifestyle. So what better way to celebrate this eco-friendly lifestyle than with everyone’s favorite food vessel (aka the taco) than with a recipe that merges both food narratives together — welcome, hongos tacos (mushroom tacos).

Hongos tacos Rocco’s Tacos & Tequila Bar© Rocco’s Tacos & Tequila Bar
The hongos tacos have the right amount of ‘meatiness’ from the mushrooms mixed with a yummy kick from the jalapeños

Living green like Kermit ain’t easy, but it can most definitely be tasty. The wonderful masterminds at Rocco’s Tacos & Tequila Bar in south Florida, have shared their signature vegan taco recipe for keeping the environment safe and your tummies full. Check out their delectable receta below!

Hongos Tacos by Rocco’s Tacos & Tequila Bar


¾ tsp. Blended Oil

¼ lb. Button Mushrooms

¼ lb. Portobello Mushrooms

¼ lb. Oyster Mushrooms

⅜ tsp. Diced Jalapenos

1 tbsp. White onions

1 ½ tsp. Tequila

⅛ oz. Roasted Garlic

1 ½ tsp. Cilantro

⅛ oz. Kosher Salt


- Buttons are left whole. Portobellos are stemmed and the feathery brown gills are scraped out with a spoon and cut into long strips ½” wide.

- Stems are trimmed ¼” off of the bottom and sliced long way. Oysters (not actual oysters, fyi) are trimmed so they fall apart, cut in half if huge.

- Sear and cook until all the water is released and reduced. At this point stir up mushrooms and add onions, jalapeños, and garlic. Let caramelize.

- Add tequila to pan to deglaze. Reduce and add cilantro and salt. Cool, put in proper container, label, and refrigerate until ready to use.

- Sautéed mixed mushrooms and cook with onions and jalapeños to taste before serving.