Christian Siriano 15 Year Anniversary Celebration© GettyImages

Christian Siriano shares his secrets to hosting a party as stylish as his runway creations

The Project Runway designer spoke to HOLA! about hosting parties, gift ideas and his holiday cocktail-inspired capsule

DECEMBER 15, 2023 4:58 AM EST

This past November, Christian Siriano celebrated his 15th anniversary in Los Angeles with a star-studded bash, joined by A-listers like Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alicia Silverstone , Leslie Jones, Ashlee Simpson and more. Known for his haute couture mastery, Siriano proved he’s got more than fashion on his plate – he can throw fabulous parties too!

HOLA! had the chance to speak with the designer and got tips from him about how to amp up our holiday shindigs with some essential hosting and style tips, from must-haves for every party, to one thing guests can do to show the host appreciation.

© Courtesy Christian Siriano/Agency

The Bombay Sapphire x Christian Siriano collection includes its: Bombay Sapphire Martini Clutch, Bombay Sapphire & Tonic Blouse and Bombay Sapphire Ultimate Collins Blaze

Siriano also recommended noteworthy gift ideas, highlighting one from his latest holiday capsule created in partnership with Bombay Sapphire—an eye-catching fashion collab that shouldn’t be missed!

#1 sytle tip for holiday parties

When the designer was asked about the eternal dilemma of being overdressed or underdressed, his response was an enthusiastic, “Overdressed, without a doubt!” According to him, he’d rather be the talk of the party, leaving people saying, “Wow, he was overdressed and fabulous.”

The key, he stressed, is embracing individuality and letting your unique flair shine, be yourself, but make it fashion. Reflecting on the styles at his anniversary bash, he noted, “Some went a little sexy, others rocked a blazer with jeans and boots, and some dialed up the glam. That’s the beauty of a dinner party—everyone comes as themselves, and it’s really cool to see.”

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Siriano’s 15 Year Anniversary Celebration at Nic’s On Beverly on November 02, 2023 in Los Angeles, California.

Hosting tips: drinks, candles, playlist, aroma

Given that you’ve thrown all these amazing parties, what would you consider the key to making it the most memorable?

Siriano: “Oh my gosh. You have to have at least three really good signature drinks. Very important! And you really have to have a great playlist. Plus, you always have to have candles everywhere. Then it has to smell good, whether the food, fragrance, or candles. Those are just the easy things you want in your house or wherever you’re doing it. It’s my go-to thing.”

“Oh my God, I need candles everywhere.”
© GettyImages

A gesture of appreciation from the guests

And how about the guests? Is there something specific they could do to make the host feel appreciated?

It’s nice for a guest to always bring something, even if it’s a $5 bottle of wine. I promise you, every host will feel that you thought of them on your way. And that’s kind of important, that’s what I think about. Lately, I’ve even been having dinner parties, and people have been bringing me small bouquets of flowers. It can be $10, and it’s something easy. It goes a long way with the host.

Most impressive holiday gifts

The designer also shared his five personal recommendations for the most impressive and classic gifts. “Oh my gosh, everybody needs a little fabulous piece of jewelry. So wherever that’s from, you’ve got to get a great piece of jewelry.”

He also mentioned one gift we all should receive this holiday, “I will say, as part of this collection that I’m doing with Bombay, we created this martini clutch, and I think everybody needs it this holiday season. It’s really, really fabulous.”

© Courtesy Christian Siriano/Agency

“So that’s my little martini clutch bag that I want people to get.”

He suggested other gifts, but emphasized to not skimp on them. “Fabulous pajamas, robes, or slippers, whether they’re super plush and cozy, and are a really great gift. If it’s really elevated, don’t get the cheap ones. Get something that’s really beautiful; I think it’s important.”

Siriano’s top tip for gifting your significant other

“I think when you’re buying for your partner, it’s fun to surprise them, buy something that’s really, really out of the ordinary. I find it more interesting to really think about what they might not ever buy for themselves. Sometimes a trip is really how I do that. I’ll just buy a trip, pick one, and he won’t know anything about it. I just think that’s a great gift. It’s such a surprise. “Oh, we’re going to Thailand tomorrow. How fun.”

© GettyImages

Christian Siriano with his partner Kyle Smith at The UNICEF Gal on November 28, 2023 in New York City.

Lastly, what is the best gift you have ever received?

What is the best gift I’ve ever received? It’s so hard. I’ve had lots of great ones. Oh my gosh. I would say it’s probably some type of antique piece of furniture or antique artifacts or a piece of art. I’m a big antique lover, so sometimes my boyfriend or my friends will pitch in together and buy me a beautiful piece of art that they got in Paris years ago and have been holding onto. So I think I got a piece like that from my boyfriend one year, and it was pretty amazing.

His latest collaboration, the holiday cocktail-inspired capsule, Bombay Sapphire x Christian Siriano, is a first-of-its-kind partnership between the worlds of fashion and spirits. According to the brand, “this curated ensemble builds on the success of Siriano’s Bombay Sapphire French 75-inspired haute couture gown showcased at his 15th-anniversary show at New York Fashion Week this past September.”

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Siriano’s Bombay Sapphire French 75 inspired haute couture gown showcased at his 15th anniversary

The collection, which reflects Siriano’s unique aesthetic, fuses the glamour of haute couture and the elegance of a classic spirit, and includes three stunning pieces, a Bombay Sapphire Martini Clutch, Bombay Sapphire & Tonic Blouse and a Bombay Sapphire Ultimate Collins Blazer.

For more info about the collection, visit: