Grimes, whose real name is Claire Boucher, recently opened up about being diagnosed with ADHD and autism and shared that it has helped her better understand her life and previous struggles. The singer recently made headlines for sharing a glimpse at her co-parenting challenges with her ex, Elon Musk.
The musician took to social media to share a lengthy message about her diagnosis. “There’s this subculture of I guess ‘mental health’ accounts that I actually think are like, extreme infohazards,” she wrote, pointing out that she also has dyslexia.
"Got diagnosed w ADHD / autism this year and realized I'm prob dyslexic which is why I can't spell at all without spellcheck," she continued. “I feel like had we known this when I was a child I would have worked so much less hard, been on drugs, and so many of the weird obsessions and motivations I had would have been seen as pathological."
The singer continued to reflect on her life before the diagnosis. “I could have written off certain things that were very hard for me but I’m glad I overcame them," she wrote, sharing her concern about the misinformation online surrounding health issues.
"I think the nature of this uninformed social media mental health subculture is [a really] a big concern," Grimes wrote. "Some are great [of course] but a lot of these seem like explicitly [anti-civilizational] and geared towards making people worse."
This is not the first time Grimes has shared a glimpse at her mental health and personal issues, as she revealed in 2019 that she underwent surgery to remove part of her eyeball to improve her seasonal depression.
“[I] eliminated all blue light from my vision through an experimental surgery that removes the top film of my eyeball and replaces it with an orange ultra-flex polymer that my friend and I made in the lab this past winter as a means to cure seasonal depression,” Grimes said at the time.