Elizabeth Gutiérrez has officially ended things with William Levy, and this time, there’s no going back. The 45-year-old Mexican actress and the 43-year-old Cuban actor have been under intense scrutiny since the start of the year, with rumors swirling about their relationship hitting rocky waters. These rumors, which have plagued their romance consistently, finally reached a breaking point, forcing them to part ways. Showing her strength and courage,‘Ely’ has given us a raw interview where she talks openly for the first time about the father of her kids, Kailey (14) and Christopher (18), whom she’s been apart from for the last two months.
Throughout their 20-year together, Elizabeth confesses she poured her heart and soul into loving the Caribbean actor, even though her relationship with Levy faced constant challenges: rumors of cheating, paparazzi hounding them nonstop, the strain of putting her career on hold to raise their children, and the challenging task of navigating it all because they had to “pay that price” as public figures.
Towards the end of last year, it looked like things were on the upswing for their relationship. In an unusual move for them, they both took to social media during a family trip to Spain to declare their love loud and proud. But it turned out to be a false hope, signaling the start of the end. In reality, they were both putting in one last effort to rekindle the flame of love.
While she has no regrets, Elizabeth declared this as her final separation from William in this candid and emotional exclusive interview for HOLA! in which she expressed - with grace and poise - some of the reasons that led her to close this chapter with the renowned soap opera star, with whom she no longer shares a home.
Her firm decision has not been easy, and beyond entering into that discourse of trying to inspire and empower other women with her example, she knows that her determination to close this chapter of her life is primarily a promise to herself to begin a new one and focus on her future and the well-being of her children.
What happened? What terms are they on? How have their children taken it? Will she fall in love again? Elizabeth answers all these questions in one of the most emotional and raw interviews in which she opens her heart like never before and, for the first time, reflects on the damages at the end of one of the strongest, most controversial, and media-fueled romances of the [former] most popular couple in international entertainment.
Photo: Jesús Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Hair: Luis Enrique Urbano | Makeup: Mariana Frontado | BTS: Kike Flores | Shirt: Ronny Kobo |Blazer: Alexander Wang | Pants: Cynthia Rowley | Shoes: Tom Ford | Jewelry: Chanel
“Currently, we are not together. On my part, it was never for lack of love, I just think I’m not the same girl I was 20 years ago that he met. What we want at this moment is different. I will always love him, I will always wish him the best, and as I have always said, being with me or not, I want to see him happy.” –Elizabeth Gutiérrez–
Ely, you’re gradually returning to your career... you did theater and now we see you as a daily guest on ‘Despierta América’. Tell us, how do you feel...
I am at peace. I am definitely resuming my career; it is my passion. And well, I started with the ‘Vagina Monologues’, which was just a weekend to warm up engines and waiting and looking for new opportunities.
Have those opportunities you’ve been waiting for finally come?
There have always been opportunities; it’s just that I wasn’t at the right moment to seize those opportunities. And although I don’t have anything concrete, I know things will come. Right now, I’m a guest on ‘Despierta América’ doing things and getting back on track. And that, I understand, takes time, it’s not overnight like saying: Okay.
Maybe because you were focused on your family, as you’ve been all this time, things professionally didn’t turn out as you wanted, right?
Yes, my priority has always been my family and being there for them, for everyone in my family. But I feel that at this moment, it’s necessary for them to also see me as that professional woman. And they support me 100%. It’s not like I’m going to work and neglect them because that will never happen. I’ll always be present, whether I’m working or not, like all mothers do. I’m not the only one. I feel that since Christopher has already turned 18, and I know he’s a grown-up, everything will be fine, but he’s still my baby and always will be. So, I’ll always be there for him.
Photo: Jesús Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Hair: Luis Enrique Urbano | Makeup: Mariana Frontado | BTS: Kike Flores | Shirt: Ronny Kobo |Blazer: Alexander Wang | Pants: Cynthia Rowley | Shoes: Tom Ford | Jewelry: Chanel
“I always bet on my relationship. I loved William, I think it’s no secret that he was the love of my life” –Elizabeth Gutiérrez–
Does Christopher take care of Mom a lot, is he a protective son?
Yes, he’s protective, and my daughter is too, for both of them. Kailey is more jealous than Christopher. She does look at people who look at me or say something to them, and I’m like, ‘Kailey, behave yourself!’ And she says, ‘No, I don’t care, what are they looking at?’ Christopher went through that stage, but I think they know the mother they have, so I command respect and that’s why I don’t see it as jealousy. Obviously, they will be jealous, but they know who I am.
And in that sense, who is Elizabeth today? What do you see when you look in the mirror?
I see a woman who... [bursts into tears] I see a woman who fights, who faces, who protects her family. Sorry...[tears falling from her eyes] a woman who loves, but she’s an incredible woman. I also see that strong woman, that woman who loves herself, who knows what she wants and what she doesn’t want.
What has happened between William and you? What is your current situation with William?
I always bet on my relationship. I loved William, I think it’s no secret that he was the love of my life. As I always bet and wanted to show us as we were. I wanted... because we lived many of those moments during the 20 years we were together.
Currently, we are not together. On my part, it was never for lack of love; I think I’m not the same girl I was 20 years ago when he met me. What we want at this moment is different. I will always love him, I will always wish him the best, and as I have always said, being with me or not, I want to see him happy. That’s what I fell in love with, his smile... I always want to see him smiling. I don’t know; there are things that, if they don’t change, you have to change. And that was the option I had to take.
Photo:: Jesús Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Hair: Luis Enrique Urbano | Makeup: Mariana Frontado | BTS: Kike Flores | Shirt: Ronny Kobo |Blazer: Alexander Wang | Pants: Cynthia Rowley | Shoes: Tom Ford | Jewelry: Chanel
And is this decision final? Is there no turning back on your part?
I’m not the one who decides... I’m letting God write my story as I’ve always done, allowing Him to write my story. I really feel, at this moment, that I’m in the middle of the ocean, and I’m surviving.
How long have you been separated?
A couple of months.
How have your children taken it, how are they?
My children are at peace because William is an excellent father, and the love from both of us is not lacking, so they are fine and will be fine. Obviously, it wasn’t ideal for either of us, but things happen, and you have to move on. You have to show that even if you feel defeated in some way, you have to keep your head held high and move forward.
“I really feel, at this moment, that I’m in the middle of the ocean and I’m surviving” –Elizabeth Gutiérrez –
One of the toughest decisions of your life...
How are you handling it? Did he stayed at home... has he left? What’s the dynamic like now?
I really don’t want to... I prefer not to go into details of how we’re handling it, what happened. I really think that part is only up to us.
Many may have doubted that you would be brave enough to end your relationship with William, despite all the rumors surrounding both of you, from infidelities to misunderstandings... people wondered when you would make this decision...
You know why? My decisions were never based on superficial reasons. My decision was based on what I know, what we both know, and it wasn’t when people wanted me to make a decision or not make it, or I never let anyone influence me, not even my family. I mean, my family never told me to make a decision or not make one. Everyone was betting on our family. My decisions are my own. I make them, I know when, and that’s why maybe they see me at peace, happy, because I know I couldn’t give more, I gave everything.
Photo: Jesús Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Hair: Luis Enrique Urbano | Makeup: Mariana Frontado | BTS: Kike Flores | Shirt: Ronny Kobo |Blazer: Alexander Wang | Pants: Cynthia Rowley | Shoes: Tom Ford | Jewelry: Chanel
“The press often makes up things. I know what was true, what wasn’t, because only I know what I lived. No one has to tell me. So, I never paid attention to what the press said. As I said, my decisions have always been based on what I’ve experienced, not on what others say about him or me.” –E.G.–
¿De tu parte sientes que hiciste absolutamente todo por la relación, que no hay un ápice de duda de que tú te entregaste totalmente para cuidar la relación tanto como madre y como mujer?
No pudo haber algo que no hiciera, hice de todo.
¿Entonces, la falla o error estaría un poco más inclinada hacia él?
No, jamás voy a... una relación es de dos, obviamente, y estoy segura que él también tiene su historia y es respetable. Simplemente, estoy contando desde mi punto de vista lo que yo siento, lo que siento que yo di. O sea, a lo mejor él te puede decir: ‘Hubiera podido dar más, hubiera podido ser más cariñosa, hubiera podido prestarme más atención’; pero, en mi persona, yo di todo lo que pude dar.
¿Qué era eso que estabas esperando por parte de él y que nunca recibiste?
Creo que una relación es basada en amor y respeto. Y cuando una de las dos falla, entonces ahí es que estamos mal.
¿Qué te motivó a decir ‘basta’ y querer contar tu verdad?
Como te dije, cuando tú das todo de ti... Y de verdad creo que vamos por caminos diferentes, que no hablamos el mismo lenguaje, tal vez. O sea, son muchas cosas.
¿Cómo manejabas toda esta información que siempre se decía de que William no te respetaba, que te era infiel... ¿Cómo manejabas toda esa presión? ¿Cómo lo hiciste?
Trataba de enfocarme en lo que yo tenía en casa. Trataba de que no me afectara nada de lo que se decía, hasta que yo no puedo culpar a alguien sin haberlo visto o haberlo vivido. Entonces, la prensa muchas veces inventa cosas. Yo sé lo que fue verdad, lo que no fue verdad, porque solo yo sé lo que yo viví. Nadie me lo tiene que contar. Entonces, nunca le presté atención a lo que la prensa decía. Como te dije, mis decisiones siempre han sido basadas en lo que yo he vivido, no en lo que los demás digan de él ni de mí.
¿Me puedes llevar a ese momento en que estaban en España a finales del año pasado? Todo parecía muy lindo y perfecto entre ustedes...
Sí, fue muy lindo. Y creo que los dos tratábamos, los dos luchamos por nuestra familia y por nuestra relación. Los dos dimos lo mejor que pudimos en nuestra relación. Estoy segura que él también dio lo mejor de sí. Y es una excelente persona y un tipo con un corazón enorme que siempre nos dio lo mejor como familia, como proveedor. Pero creo que había muchas heridas que no se habían sanado.
¿Cuál fue esa herida que nunca terminó de sanar ni cicatrizar?
No voy a hablar de mis cosas que yo siento... Y a lo mejor ambos... Me imagino que en algún momento yo lo herí también. Estoy segura que de alguna forma lo herí.
¿Hay algo de lo que te arrepientes en particular, ya están empezando a saltar esos detalles que te hacen sentir culpable de no haber actuado antes?
No quiero hablar de ciertas cosas, de verdad. O sea, mi intención con esta entrevista no fue ni contar mi historia, ni expresar lo que está pasando, ni mucho menos. Simplemente, quise ser honesta con la gente que nos quiere, que nos sigue y decir mi situación de relación actual con él. Pero no voy a entrar jamás en detalles de nuestra relación.
Eso dice mucho de ti porque eres una dama...
Como te dije, me quedo con el William que amo, que respeto... es el padre de mis hijos y siempre le voy a desear lo mejor.
“Both of us gave the best we could in our relationship. I’m sure he also gave his best. He’s an excellent person and a guy with a huge heart who always gave us the best as a family, as a provider. But I think there were many wounds that hadn’t healed” – E.G. –
¿Qué es lo más desafiante ahora que tienes en la vida en esta nueva etapa? ¿Te vas a enfocar en el trabajo para transitar esto de la mejor manera? ¿Cómo te preparas para lo que se viene en todo sentido?
¡Claro! Definitivamente retomar mi carrera, pero creo que en este momento mi prioridad, como siempre, es que mis hijos estén bien, yo también estar bien emocionalmente, mentalmente. O sea, sí, cuidarme de adentro para afuera, para poder ser esa madre que siempre he sido para mis hijos, presente, y darle lo mejor a ellos también. Eso es definitivamente mi prioridad ahorita, cuidar de nosotros.
¿Cuál es la lección más importante que sacas de todo esto?
¡Wow! No sé, todavía creo que estoy aprendiendo cuál.
Tus hijos ya están grandes y hasta con novio y novia... ¿qué consejos le das a ellos en las lides del amor?
Creo que lo más importante es que entiendan que cuando estás en pareja, tú no eres dueño de esa persona. Tú eres su cómplice, su compañero, pero no eres dueño de esa persona, lo tienes que dejar ser una persona individual y se complementa. El amor y el respeto van de la mano. Creo que eso es lo más importante que le he inculcado a los dos, que se respeten tanto ellos como también a sus parejas, que les den el lugar, que no tengan miedo a decir lo que sienten, ser honestos, creo que ser transparentes con eso y cuidarse mutuamente.
Photo: Jesús Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Hair: Luis Enrique Urbano | Makeup: Mariana Frontado | BTS: Kike Flores | Shirt: Ronny Kobo |Blazer: Alexander Wang | Pants: Cynthia Rowley | Shoes: Tom Ford | Jewelry: Chanel
“I’m clear that social media is not a diary, to write your emotions there... I’m very clear, but I’m also a human being and sometimes react without thinking” – E.G. –
Social media is an outlet for you, and you’ve sometimes shared personal things that reflect your mood...
Yes, but I delete it right away [laughs].
Are you going to continue using social media to express things that you sometimes regret sharing?
Look, I’m clear that social media is not a diary to write your emotions there... I’m very clear, but I’m also human and sometimes react without thinking. Then, yes, of course, I say, ‘Why did I do that?’ I forget what position I am in, and I say: ‘No, you can’t, it’s not me’. I have people who are watching and observing every move I make, so I have to hold back a bit and not give those people something to talk about more than they already have. So, I’ve regretted things, definitely.
Now you’re a single woman and you’re a beautiful, talented woman... with many suitors in line and you’ll surely have many proposals...
No, I still think I haven’t even thought about that, not at all. Right now, as I tell you, it’s about fixing my life, my children’s lives, my whole environment and then let life surprise me. I like being in love, I like being in a couple, that’s my state of happiness. Imagine, I was with him for 20 years, so that’s all I know. So no... right now, I’m definitely focused on my career and my children.
Photo: Jesús Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Hair: Luis Enrique Urbano | Makeup: Mariana Frontado | BTS: Kike Flores | Shirt: Ronny Kobo |Blazer: Alexander Wang | Pants: Cynthia Rowley | Shoes: Tom Ford | Jewelry: Chanel
Many people doubt the truth or confidence of your decision to separate from William and think that maybe they’ll see you back with him, is this really your final decision and you don’t plan to return to him?
I’m ready to get to know myself more than I already do, to walk, move forward, to see what destiny holds for me, to see what God has for me. I’m a woman of faith, so I’m testing my faith, definitely. I’m with God right now in this decision, and it wasn’t an easy decision at all. But as I said, God is the one writing my story. If you ask me today, I’ll tell you no, that I wouldn’t go back. But I’m not the one who decides.
You’re navigating your own depths right now... what have you found out about yourself that you hadn’t realized or that was lost?
I’m finding the woman I always was, the girl with dreams... [breaks into tears] The girl who got lost. And it’s not bad, because my reason was love.
I’ve always tried to be transparent with everyone. I’ve always tried to be... And well, you’ve known me for several years now, and I haven’t changed. I’m still the same woman, and when I have nothing to say or don’t want to talk about a certain topic, I better not say anything. It’s very hard for me to sit here. And it’s not because... and you know how private I am too. I’m very private about these things, but before someone else decides for me and shares my life story, I prefer to be the one to sit and let them hear it from my mouth, what I feel, what I... Sorry [breaks into tears].
For me it’s not like, ‘Oh, I’m going to go out and tell my story, it’s a liberation, all women, girl power’... Not at all, this is so important and so delicate for me that I’m not seeing it that way, I’m just being what I’ve always been, transparent and that’s it. It’s not a way to free myself and release the chains and... Ah! I’m another Ely, I’m new... No, no, no, because this means much more to me than being that image. If I can inspire other women, then I feel honored. If I can help someone, it’s good that I can help, but always from the point of sincerity, which I’ve always tried to be like that.
Who or what has become your biggest support at this time? Who do you rely on?
Many people, many friendships... my family, definitely, my friends here in Miami, people who I didn’t even expect to support me, who are supporting me. Truly, God is great and has taught me that support through people, definitely.
Are you at peace with yourself?
That’s the most important thing, being able to sleep at night and know that I’m at peace and that my children are well. Even William, that he’s also at peace and in a good space. That’s what I wish for all of us.
Photographer: Jesús CorderoStylish: Claudia ZuletaHair: Mariana FrontadoMakeup: Luis Enrique UrbanoBTS: Kike FloresVideo Editing: Daniel NeiraElizabeth G. Public Relations : Alejandra Palomera