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Shakira joins Carlos Vives onstage at Miami concert

Shakira surprised Vives onstage, who seemed shocked at her appearance

Maria Loreto
Senior Writer
OCTOBER 30, 2023 12:47 PM EDT

Shakira surprised Carlos Vives and his concert goers over the weekend, prompting a surprise performance that went viral. The surprise occurred at Vives’ sold out show at the Kaseya Center in Miami, this past Saturday. Vives’ band began playing “La Bicicleta” when Shakira appeared from behind, prompting madness from the audience.

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While Vives encouraged the audience, it seemed like he believed that people were excited over the song. As Shakira stepped onstage, the big screens focused on her, and Vives continued to encourage the crowd. When he turned around, he finally spotted her, doing a double take. The two hugged with Shakira saying “He didn’t expect it!” to the audience. The surprise was devised by Shakira and Vives’ tour promoter and resulted in the first live performance of their hit song “La Bicicleta.” She stayed onstage for one more song, which Vives dedicated to her.

Shakira shared a video of her surprise, showing her doing a high five with Vives’ production manager and revealing when she’d be coming in onstage. “I’m gonna show up onstage. We haven’t told anybody. I’m gonna sing ‘La Bicicleta’ with him,” she says in the video, laughing. “I haven’t rehearsed. I haven’t done anything.”

“Surprising my brother Carlos Vives onstage tonight,” Shakira wrote in the post’s caption. Vives also dropped a comment on the video. “Shak. I can retire now, bye, I’m happy. Nothing can make this better, you made me the happiest man. I love you, what a surprise!”

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Shakira and Carlos Vives’ friendship

While onstage, Shakira spoke about her relationship with Vives, which has been a source of strenght over the years. “He’s been in the toughest moments of my life,” she said. “He’s called me to ask me how I was feeling after my separation. I couldn’t do less.”

After their performance of “La Bicicleta,” Vives performed “Currambera,” which he dedicated to Shakira, who remained onstage.