Irma Serrano© LagenciaMexico

Irma Serrano, iconic Mexican singer and actress, dies at 89

Serrano passed away Wednesday morning

MARCH 1, 2023 3:07 PM EST

Irma Serrano, the Mexican actress and singer known as “La Tigresa,” died this Wednesday morning. She was 89 years old and worked in music and films for over five decades.

The news were confirmed by the Mexican Association of Interpreters, who shared a statement on social media. “@ANDIMexico announces the sensitive death of interpreter partner Irma Serrano,” they wrote in Spanish. “We send our deepest condolences to his family and friends.” The Mexican news station Foro TV later confirmed that she suffered a fatal heart attack.

Irma Consuelo Cielo Serrano Castro was born in Comitán, a Southern city in Mexico, in 1933. She was known for her powerful vocals in rancheras and corrido music, experiencing a boom in the ‘60s, where she starred in films like “Santo vs the Zombies.”

Following her work in film and music, Serrano got involved in politics, earning a seat in the Mexican Senate. She was a deputy for the state of Chiapas and ran for mayor unsuccesfully. Serrano was also involved in various scandals, including a rumored affair with president Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, which she confirmed years later when she released a memoir.

© LagenciaMexico

Irma Serrano

Recently, “La Tigresa” made headlines in Mexico due to her romantic relationships, which audiences scrutinized. She was linked with younger men, including the nephew of a leading entrepreneur in Mexico, Patricio Zambrano, 30 years her junior, and TV host Alfonso de Nigris, 46 years her junior.