Eiza Gonzalez© Mohammed Al Turki

Eiza González has a blast on her Euro trip

The actress was joined by friends as she enjoys the Italian coast.

AUGUST 10, 2022 4:04 PM EDT

Eiza González is making the most of her Euro trip. Over the past week, the actress has been photographed enjoying the Italian coast and spending some time amongst her friends, showing off some amazing bathing suits and outfits.

© Mohammed Al Turki

Eiza González

Some of the photos were shared by Mohammed Al Turki, a film producer and friend of González. “Each day I’m thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality, and likes that turned into love,” he captioned his post.

© Mohammed Al Turki

Eiza González

The post features a variety of photos, including ones of Al Turki and González enjoying the coast alongside other friends.

© Mohammed Al Turki

Eiza González

He also shared images of himself and González enjoying the town. As expected, she showed off a variety of stylish outfits and accessories.

© Mohammed Al Turki

Eiza González

On her stories, González showed a bit of what she’d been up to, including an outdoor screening of “Grease” in Capri. It appears González and her friends wanted to reminisce on Olivia Newton John who recently passed away after a 30 year struggle with cancer.

© Mohammed Al Turki

Eiza González

González is taking a much earned break as she’s currently in between projects. She’ll soon star in two TV series: “Extrapolations,” alongside Meryl Streep and Marion Cotillard, and “The Three Body Problem,” a sci-fi series based on a best selling novel and adapted by the creators of “Game of Thrones.”

González’s career has been on the rise over the past few years, but, with the quality of the projects that are soon coming, it appears like it’ll reach even greater heights.