Russian missile hits chef Jose Andres' humanitarian kitchen in Kharkov© GettyImages

Russian missile hits chef José Andrés’ humanitarian kitchen in Kharkiv

International media report that this attack in the Ukrainian city left four injured and one dead

APRIL 18, 2022 5:27 PM EDT

According to the latest reports, four participants of the World Central Kitchen (WCK) humanitarian assistance mission, founded by chef José Andrés, were injured after a Russian bombing in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. According to the nonprofit, one person died who wasn’t part of the organization.

© GettyImages

A rescuer walks past buildings destroyed following bombardment, killing two people and injuring eighteen others according to the prosecutors‘ office of Kharkiv region, in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv on April 16, 2022

Nate Mook, director of the organization, used his social media to denounce the attack, which occurred on Saturday. In addition to this, he reported that the injured are out of danger and are successfully recovering. In a video posted on his Instagram profile, Mook explained that the missile hit one of the kitchens of a local restaurant that works with chef José Andrés’s nonprofit.

“This is the reality here: cooking is a heroic act of bravery,” the director said in the video, which was shot in an almost apocalyptic setting, with rubble, charred cars, and destroyed buildings. “A tremendous amount of destruction for no reason,” he said.

Through his Twitter account, chef José Andrés also lamented what happened and referred to the attacks that not only destroyed the local kitchen but have also killed human lives and devastated entire cities throughout Ukraine.

He also urged the Spanish authorities to take a stand and support the Ukrainians, calling on the leaders of Spanish political parties to join forces..

In an interview Onda Cero, the chef of Spanish origin explained the seriousness of the situation: “It fell close; if it had fallen in the restaurant, no one would have been saved. The building it fell into was totally destroyed.”

The prestigious chef indicated that, despite the situation, his commitment to the Ukrainian people continues and that they will return to work in the kitchens as soon as possible. “The rest of the team decided that they wanted to continue cooking. They put all the equipment in a truck. Those same kitchens will continue feeding in Kharkiv between today and tomorrow,” José Andrés explained on the radio show Más de Uno.

Nate Mook visited three of the injured in the medical center where they are recovering and shared a photograph in which they are seen in good spirits, despite the circumstances. “Yulia, Liza, and Yulia are in good spirits and recovering in the hospital after the missile attack.” Yulia, who is by Nate Mook’s side, said she is excited to return to help feed thousands of people when their wounds heal.

© @chefjoseandres

Nate Mook