This Thursday night William Levy allegedly published a post with a personal life changing decision. This messaged which circulated on social media supposedly appeared in his Instagram stories. The message apperantly announced that he and his partner the mother of his children, Elizabeth Gutiérrez, had chosen to go their separate ways. HOLA! USA made the decision to investigate further and contacted the actress’s team, but at the time of publication there was no response.
“We want to let you know that after thinking it over we have decided to end our relationship”, those were the first lines of the alleged statement with white letters and a black background. It also mentioned the couple’s children, Christopher and Kailey: “We will continue to be the beautiful family we are and the best parents to our children. That’s never going to change,” with an emoji holding hands.
The post took a confusing turn when it was apparently deleted from the account of the Café con Aroma de Mujer actor. For several minutes the commotion intensified on social media as people speculated, until the Cuban star shared an Instagram story that left everyone waiting for a confirmation.
The colorful post read: “I am ready for the new chapter of my life”. After that, the silence continued on social media, without any denying or confirming from the couple that they were indeed separating.
William Levy and Elizabeth Gutiérrez Relationship
The couple began dating around 2003, a courtship that little by little got more serious. Like any relationship, it had its ups and downs, to the extent that both of them have announced their separation at least twice in past couple of years but then remain together. In 2008, after rumors of an affair with Maite Perroni, his co-star in Cuidado con el Ángel, the actor reported that he was no longer with Elizabeth.
Three years later, Elizabeth made another announcement saying they have ended their relationship once again, after more rumors of William’s infidelity, this time with Bárbara Mori. However, their love was able to withstand these obstables, keeping them together for almost two decades, and sharing special moments with their children.