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Britney Spears says she watched Jamie Lynn’s interview with a 104° fever in emotional post

The singer was not happy

Jovita Trujillo
Jovita Trujillo - Los Angeles
Senior WriterLos Angeles
JANUARY 13, 2022 10:05 PM EST

Britney Spears caught a high fever last night that she said when up to 104°. The singer took to Twitter to upload a series of screenshots as she shared her frustration towards her security who wouldn’t leave to get Aleve for the pain. “It wasn’t what he said to me, IT WAS THE SARCASM in his voice when he told me he couldn’t go get it for me,” she explained. Spears said she then looked at her phone when she saw her little sister Jamie Lynn’s interview with Good Morning America for her memoir  Thing’s I should Have Said. “I watched it with a 104° fever lol and it was actually kind of nice having a fever so high cause I had to surrender to not caring,” she wrote.

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Britney continued to talk about how sick she was but said she was feeling better. “I’m fine today just sore and the fever has made my head extremely sensitive! I also couldn’t even touch my own body.. my skin was too sensitive,” the singer shared. She then went back to Jamie Lynn’s interview where she said, “the 2 things that did bother me that my sister said how my behavior was out of control. She was never around me much 15 years ago at that time.” “So why are they even talking about that unless she wants to sell a book at my expensive?” The Lucky singer added.

However, Britney wasn’t done and continued to vent about Jamie Lynn performing remixes of her music. “I know it may sound like a silly thing to most people but I wrote a lot of my songs and my sister was the baby. She never had to work for anything. Everything was always given to her!,” the Crossroads star continued. The emotional post ended with Britney venting about how her family ruined her dreams “100 billion percent.” “My family loves to pull me down and hurt me and I am disgusted with them!!” she concluded.

The pop star shared in a separate tweet that she is still feeling sick but “the last thing” she will ever ask to see in her life is a doctor. “I mean would you if you were me ???? JUST SAYING,” the 40-year-old wrote. She also offered advice, “lesson learned from all this don’t trust people or anyone … make your ays and dogs your family and take care of your own damn self.” While the posts are a bit of a rollercoaster, Britney did assure fans that she is doing okay and said her fiancé Sam Asghari finally brought her medicine. “I survived !!!” She wrote.

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