“Bosé,” the upcoming series based on the life of the Spanish singer Miguel Bosé, has found its lead actors. José Pastor and Ivan Sánchez have signed on to play Miguel Bosé at different points in his life.
Both performers are Spanish, having developed exciting careers, with Ivan Sánchez having starring roles in series like “La Reina del Sur,” and “Crossing Lines.” This is their biggest role yet. Aside from the daunting task of embodying the personality and charisma of Miguel Bosé, the actors will also have to learn how to take on his singing voice.
Miguel Bosé’s life is ripe for adaptation material. He was born into one of the most famous and prominent families in Spain in the 1950’s, son of the bullfighter Luis Miguel Dominguín and Lucia Bosé. Bosé’s musical career and stardom coincided with the fall of the Franco dictatorship, showing the world Spanish music that was open and colorful, that stood in sharp opposition to the Franco regime.
Bosé will stream on Paramount+, and is currently being filmed in Spain and Miami. The international series is one of the biggest productions in development by Paramount+ and will take on a story that has never been told, while revealing the inspiration behind Bosé’s biggest hits and the toll of his success, according to Variety.
Biopic series based on the lives of singers have long been successful. Recently, they’ve become very prominent in Spanish speaking countries, with large hordes of viewers flocking towards series like “Luis Miguel” and “Hasta que te conoci,” based on the life of the singer Juan Gabriel.