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Paris Jackson honors her Godmother Elizabeth Taylor on World AIDS Day

‘I know some day her greatest wish will be granted’

DECEMBER 1, 2021 7:23 PM EST

World AIDS Day has been recognized every year on December 1st since 1988 and is dedicated to raising awareness of AIDS and HIV while mourning those who have died of the disease. A prominent figure in early activism surrounding AIDS was the legendary actress Elizabeth Taylor, who was also Paris Jackson’s Godmother. She was only 12 years old when her Godmother passed away in 2011 but she is keeping her legacy alive.

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Washington DC. 1992 Elizabeth Taylor testifies on Capital Hill on AIDS.

Taylor died at the age of 79 and was an activist with a mission to fight the stigma and ignorance surrounding HIV and AIDS. She founded The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation in 1992, “to provide direct care, along with love and moral support, to the most vulnerable patients,” per its website. She even testified on Capital Hill that same year on the topic. Now, Paris is an ETAF ambassador, “I felt a compelling need to be part of that effort and always will,” she told PEOPLE.

Paris reflected on the memories she has of her Godmother and told the outlet, “She was very pretty and wore sparkling necklaces and rings.“ While most of the people who came to see Michael were “always men,” “Elizabeth was an exception,“ Paris noted. The young girl didn’t know who or what Elizabeth did until a few years later but she recalled always wanting to bring her little gifts when they visited her. Most of the time, “I just sat on the floor of her bedroom with her cat, Fang, while she and my father caught up,” the artist explained.

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Paris Jackson attends The Elizabeth Taylor Ball to End AIDS

But as Paris grew older she started getting involved in activism which is when she learned about Taylor’s, “tireless efforts to end HIV.” Now as an ambassador, Paris is committed. She recently attended a fundraiser for the foundation and said she met some of the people who have been committed to HIV research since Elizabeth brought it to public attention. “She was one of the first prominent figures to come forward to inform the public,” she noted proudly.

Unfortunately, as Paris notes, “Today, there is still no cure, no vaccine, and the drugs that people take to prolong their lives are costly and not readily available in Africa and countries around the world where people are still suffering and dying.” But the young activist is not giving up, “I do what I can in my own way to continue my godmother‘s commitment to the cause. In my heart, I know someday her greatest wish will be granted,” she told PEOPLE.