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"The Gentlemen" Screening and Q&A With Matthew McConaughey© GettyImages

Matthew McConaughey as the future Texas governor? “It would be up to the people more than it would me.”

The actor discussed potentially running in a recent interview.

Fabiana Buontempo
Senior Writer
NOVEMBER 19, 2020 1:39 PM EST

A future in politics might be around the corner for actor  Matthew McConaughey . The 51-year-old is not one to usually discuss his political views but he didn’t oppose the idea of potentially running for Texas governor in 2022, whether he was serious or not, in a recent interview.

Aviron Pictures "Serenity" Photo Call© GettyImages
Matthew McConaughey rarely discusses politics in interviews.

The actor appeared on the “The Hugh Hewitt Show” recently and when asked if he would consider running for the office of the longhorn state he said, ”I don’t know. I mean, that wouldn’t be up to me. It would be up to the people more than it would me.”

“I would say this: Look, politics seems to be a broken business to me right now. And when politics redefine its purpose, I could be a hell of a lot more interested,” the “Dallas Buyers Club” actor said on the show.

“I want to get behind personal values to rebind our social contracts with each other as Americans, as people again,“ McConaughey told Hewitt.

McConaughey continued by giving his views on the state of which the country is in right now. The 51-year-old actor went on to say that right now the people of the U.S. don’t trust each other. “That leads to us not trust in ourselves, which if that becomes epidemic, then we’ve got anarchy,” the actor said. “I’m all for the individual, and I think it’s for — to make collective change that the individual needs to look in the mirror and say, ‘How can I be a little bit better today?’”

It was a rare occasion to hear McConaughey’s thoughts on today’s politics considering he normally avoids interviews that could potentially discuss the topic. He did, however, give his opinion on when President Trump was originally elected back in 2016 on Hewitt’s show.

“I remember saying, well look, regardless of [Trump‘s] politics, in the very first question, what do we say in America is successful? What do we give credit and respect?” McConaughey asked. ”The top two things are money and fame. And I said guys, just on a very base level, Trump has those, so I don’t know why we should be so surprised that he got elected.”