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Elizabeth Gutiérrez confesses about her son’s accident: “It’s a call you never want to receive.”

William Levy’s partner publicly opens her heart for the first time and exclusively reveal how they overcame the accident as a family

UPDATED JUNE 11, 2021 7:25 AM EDT

At the height of the pandemic, in October 2020, Elizabeth Gutiérrez received news that no mother ever wants to hear: her son, Christopher, had been seriously injured. The golf cart that the 14-year-old was driving with his friends overturned and seriously injured his left knee. At the time, the news transcended mass media. However, both the actress and her partner, William Levy, focused on the care of their little one and chose to maintain an understandable secrecy to recover from this hard blow that life gave them.

Nearly seven months have passed since the nightmare that removed the family foundations and for the first time. Elizabeth reveals details of the ordeal that endangered the future of “Toty,” as the adolescent is affectionately called, since one of his greatest wishes is to become a professional baseball player.

“It was at one in the afternoon that Kailita received that call. She came running hysterical to the room. I didn’t even know what was happening. I picked up the phone and he [Christopher] in tears tells me: ‘Mommy, I destroyed my life. We have to go to the hospital,” Ely remembers, unable to contain her tears during the moving interview with HOLA! USA.

The process has been complicated but the family has been able to overcome the challenge with the immense affection of sister Kailey for her older brother and the emotional support that both Elizabeth and William have been able to give their loved ones.

After five surgeries, constant rehabilitation and psychological support, Tophy has resumed his sports path in order to achieve his goals and is determined to fight for his dreams. The stretch is still long but not impossible.

“He is a mentally strong child and this has strengthened him more because they told me: ‘Ely, don’t be surprised if you need therapy for the child, because he can be depressed’, and thank God he is a child who has a lot of faith. He is a child with a very strong mentality and William has really supported him a lot,” the actress tells us.

We invite you to find out about her future plans in acting, her relationship with William and other addressed topics, with one of the most impressive media women in the entertainment world during a beautiful photo session with her children in Miami.

Photo: Jesus Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Makeup: Luis Enrique Urbano | Hair: Millie Morales | Location: The Mansions Brickell Realty Group

This the first interview you’ve done with your children after everything that happened with Christopher, how do you feel?

I love seeing them happy. I love seeing my daughter, who loves to be so flirtatious, getting dressed, getting ready, because obviously, they always see mommy who goes to events or dresses up or has a photo shoot; but I love making them part of something of mine. My son has also become a real young man ... and that‘s how my children grew up. I don’t have any more babies.

How do you see them now that they are older?

We have a very special relationship. I have seen them change, Christopher, especially, made a change about a year ago, two years ago. That maturity as a young man. He is no longer a child. He is already a mature child. I mean, take care of your sister, she‘s already taking on the role of a little man. I love to see how he has transformed from a child that we protected him to a protective child over me, with his sister above all, you know? So I love the way their personalities take on each other.

Before continuing with the full interview, do not miss this teaser of the emotional talk we had with Elizabeth!

Photo: Jesus Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Makeup: Luis Enrique Urbano | Hair: Millie Morales | Location: The Mansions Brickell Realty Group | Toty look: Dolce & Gabbana | Kailey look: Boutique Monsalisa

Christopher had a serious accident. Can you describe what happened?

It is a call you never want to receive, as a parent. I was at a friend‘s house, in fact, things have to happen because I imagine that this is how God strengthens you and sends you messages. He stayed to sleep at his friend’s house, the next day I called him at 9 in the morning and told him: “My love, I’m coming for you and I miss you. I want you here at home.” He told me: “Mommy, no, let me stay a little longer”, but I told him: ”No, my love I’ll pick you up.” ”No, mommy, no, leave me until 5 only,” he told me. Me: ”Okay, Toti,” always trying to please my children. At one o’clock in the afternoon that Kailita received that call, she came running hysterically into the room. I didn’t even know what was happening. I pick up the phone and he says in tears: “Mommy, I destroyed my life. We have to go to the hospital.”

How did you react when you received the call?

I felt my body collapse. I didn‘t have to say anything to William because I think with my expression I said it all. I don’t even know what I put on. Those 15 minutes to the friend’s house were the longest minutes. I think William ran the red light. Now I think about it and say what strength he had to call us. Because even when we were on the way he would call me and say: “Mommy, hurry up, hurry up, we have to go to the hospital, we have to go to the hospital!” And I didn’t understand what was happening. We got there and there were three ambulances, policemen. I arrived and now I say thank God that he was already inside that ambulance because I did not see him on the ground.

Photo: Jesus Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Makeup: Luis Enrique Urbano | Hair: Millie Morales | Location: The Mansions Brickell Realty Group | Ely y Toty looks: Dolce & Gabbana | Kailey look: Boutique Monalisa

¿How did he lose control of the golf cart?

He had to go straight and he says that something inside him told him to make a right and in that same ... It is not that he was going fast, but a golf cart that has three children is unstable, it was a golf cart that he was not used to driving. He is used to the one of us that was not so high. Then he took a quick turn, flipped him over, and dragged him across the concrete.

Photo: Jesus Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Makeup: Luis Enrique Urbano | Hair: Millie Morales | Location: The Mansions Brickell Realty Group | Ely y Toty looks: Dolce & Gabbana | Kailey look: By Alejandro Fajardo

Why couldn‘t you get into the ambulance with him?

I didn‘t see any of that until after the security footage was sent to us. I saw him inside the ambulance and he told me: “come with me.” They told me they had to transport him by helicopter. I did not understand. I mean, I didn’t understand the seriousness of the situation. But obviously seeing my son there. Well, they didn’t let me go to the ambulance because of the COVID issue, none of us.

What happened after?

We went straight to the hospital and yes, he just left because they wouldn‘t let us go. Then we found him in the hospital, even on the way, the nurse called us because they arrived before us and told us that Christopher was asking for us, because they transferred him first to one hospital and from there they took him by helicopter to the other. So we went straight there and at that moment I saw his leg ... (pause in his story and burst into tears).

Photo: Jesus Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Makeup: Luis Enrique Urbano | Hair: Millie Morales | Location: The Mansions Brickell Realty Group | Ely y Toty looks: Dolce & Gabbana | Kailey look: Boutique Monalisa

What was the severity of the accident on the leg?

When we arrived [at the hospital] they were doing tests on everything. They were afraid that he had hit his head, his intestines. I remember we were waiting outside the X-ray room. We saw the screen and there were no broken bones. They finally let us in to see him and he told me: “Mommy, I‘m sorry.” He felt guilty for not paying attention to me when I asked to pick him up. And I told him: ”My love, nothing happens.”

What did the doctors tell you?

They thought they were going to have to do a skin implant, but they didn‘t have to do that, because the bone was really visible. Only one tendon broke. The truth is that the picture looked very bad, but when we got to the hospital and we began to see all the positive within all the bad, we clung to that. The nurses told me that all I asked was if he was going to be able to play baseball.

Photo: Jesus Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Makeup: Luis Enrique Urbano | Hair: Millie Morales | Location: The Mansions Brickell Realty Group | Toty look: Dolce & Gabbana | Kailey look: By Alejandro Fajardo

How many surgeries has Toti undergone?

They did three surgeries that week, later they did another two, so a total of five. When we were through all that, what scared us the most was an infection. He is a mentally strong child and this has strengthened him more because they told me: ‘Ely, do not be surprised if you need therapy for the child, because he can be depressed,’ and thank God he is a child who has a lot of faith. He is a child with a very strong mentality.

¿Cómo reaccionó William a todo el proceso?

William really has supported him a lot, speaking to him like a father, giving him that strength, that assurance that everything will be fine: “You are a champion, go ahead,” he said. It motivates him and that has helped him a lot because now that William is in Colombia, if he [Christopher] gets a little sad I call him and he immediately encourages him, they are like best friends.

Photo: Jesus Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Makeup: Luis Enrique Urbano | Hair: Millie Morales | Location: The Mansions Brickell Realty Group | Toty look: Dolce & Gabbana

What has been the most difficult thing for you to face with your son?

I think the strongest thing for me as a mother was that I died inside every time I went into surgery. I was praying, crying in a corner because it was a moment ... He was hospitalized for a week, but after that he had to be hospitalized again for the new surgeries, antibiotics, doctor every day, plastic surgeon, orthopedic; it was too much, almost every day we went to the doctor.

Is he still in rehab?

Yes, it‘s been six months of therapy every day. We decided to take him every day because he couldn’t bend his knee at all.

Photo: Jesus Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Makeup: Luis Enrique Urbano | Hair: Millie Morales | Location: The Mansions Brickell Realty Group | Kailey look: By Alejandro Fajardo

How has all of this been for Christopher?

It was something very strong for him, knowing that he was in such a good place on his school team and on his other teams where he was playing. He was in a very good moment and everything stopped for him. But, it was a very great lesson because he knows that everything that happens in this life is for a reason and that God is strengthening him. He is shaping him. He is writing his own history and he knows that everything happens for a reason. This makes you stronger mentally, spiritually. It will give you more faith. So, all of that has come with this incident.

What experience has all this left you as a mother?

Enjoy my children - that they will be happy. Not worrying about such small things. Sometimes, we sinned to get angry, that if he played badly in baseball or we told him, give him more desire. I don‘t know what and now it’s SO look at him play. What does it matter if it goes well for him, if it goes badly, to see him play in his passion, in what he likes. That is seeing my children happy, healthy. Be grateful for that, the little things that we sometimes take for granted.

Photo: Jesus Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Makeup: Luis Enrique Urbano | Hair: Millie Morales | Location: The Mansions Brickell Realty Group | Ely y Toty looks: Dolce & Gabbana | Kailey look: By Alejandro Fajardo

How has this brought you together as a family?

We are already getting out of this one. All good, all positive. He started training, so he‘s already getting really strong. I feel like I can breathe a little more and William, obviously too, and the girl too, because it hit her so hard. Imagine, for her, receiving the call was traumatic. All the way there I was screaming: ‘My Toti! ‘But now, we’re going to get out of this and he’s as strong as they saw him, so happy.

Tell us about your projects, will you return to acting?

My children already asked me: “Mommy, when are you going to work, Mommy?” I want them to be part of my life, who I am, that is, whose mother was, whose mother is. Because they were babies when I stopped working.

Photo: Jesus Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Makeup: Luis Enrique Urbano | Hair: Millie Morales | Location: The Mansions Brickell Realty Group | Ely look: Dolce & Gabbana


Would you like to do a series?

Yes, right, yes they are so beautiful. Yes I love them. I would love to do a series, because it is more realistic. It‘s shorter, obviously, but I would love to do something cool. I love action, something outside of what they might think I am (laughs).

Maybe you would like to share credits with William?

I think we both prefer not to. We already have enough people on top of us.

Photo: Jesus Cordero | Stylist: Claudia Zuleta | Makeup: Luis Enrique Urbano | Hair: Millie Morales | Location: The Mansions Brickell Realty Group | Ely y Toty looks: Dolce & Gabbana | Kailey look: Boutique Monalisa