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Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez top moments together

An official statement confirms the end of their relationship

APRIL 15, 2021 1:29 PM EDT

This morning, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez have confirmed the end of their relationship on The Today Show. The couple said, “We have realized we are better as friends and look forward to remaining so.”

Scroll down to see top moments of one of the most powerful ex-couples in the world!

© Alex Rodriguez

Family moments with kids

© @jlo

Engagement Party

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Masked up during COVID-19 pandemic

© @jlo

Cooking with matching Christmas pajamas

© Alex Rodriguez

Halloween 2020. JLo re-created one of Madonna’s looks

© GrosbyGroup

Going for a drive in a white Bentley

© @jlo

Celebrating Valentine’s Day

© @jlo

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez reunite in Dominican Republic

© @jlo

At President Joe Biden’s inauguration

© GrosbyGroup

Kissing after split rumors

© @arod

Jump on the floor!

© @jlopez.cocos

A-Rod with JLo kids

Celebrating Father’s Day

© @jlo

With JLo ex-husband Marc Anthony

© @jlo

The couple with A-Rod‘s ex-wife, Cynthia

© @jlo

Jennifer Lopez with Alex Rodriguez‘s daughter Natasha

© @arod

Jennifer Lopez y A-Rod after getting engaged

© @arod

Celebrating Thanksgiving