Britney Spears© Britney Spears

Britney Spears cried for two weeks after watching her documentary: ‘I was embarrassed’

Spears danced to ‘Crazy’ by Aerosmith and reflected on the documentary ‘Framing Britney Spears’

UPDATED MARCH 30, 2021 11:02 PM EDT

Britney Spears is finally breaking her silence when it comes to the bombshell documentary, The New York Times Presents: Framing Britney Spears. The singer posted a video dancing to ‘Crazy’ by Aerosmith and reflected on the judgment she has faced her whole life, how she keeps her sanity, and said the parts she watched left her embarrassed and she “cried for two weeks.”

The caption started with, “My life has always been very speculated … watched ... and judged really my whole life !!!” Spears then said she dances to Aerosmith every night for her sanity. “For my sanity, I need to dance to @iamstevent every night of my life,” she said, “to feel wild and human and alive !!! I have been exposed my whole life performing in front of people.” She continued, “It takes a lot of strength to TRUST the universe with your real vulnerability cause I‘ve always been so judged... insulted... and embarrassed by the media.. and I still am till this day.” Spears then admitted, “I didn’t watch the documentary but from what I did see of it I was embarrassed by the light they put me in ... I cried for two weeks and well .... I still cry sometimes !!!!”

Many fans are questioning the authenticity of the post and asking why she keeps posting the same video. She claimed it was taken last night but it looks similar to one some fans remember her posting over a year ago.

It’s been an odd couple of days for Spears’ Instagram account. The past week she posted pictures and videos alluding to her mysterious “project red” and “pink.” According to the captions next week, “PINK” will be revealed. Fans were later confused when she posted a terrifying photo of a woman carrying a demon child. The caption was, “Devil is in the details.. wouldn’t want this baby to hit me one more time.“ She also posted a video calling herself a “wicked looking vampire.”