Seth Rogen and Emma Watson rumor© Getty Images

Seth Rogen took to Twitter to clarify what happened in 2013 with Emma Watson and his movie

The 38-year-old actor had some explaining to do.

MARCH 30, 2021 1:51 PM EDT

A rumor has been circulating regarding Seth Rogen and  Emma Watson . In a recent interview Rogen gave, his words were misinterpreted and now people are actually believing that Watson stormed off the set of the 2013 film that Rogen directed, “This Is The End.”

The rumor that the “Harry Potter” actress walked off set first circulated back when the movie came out. Then it more recently popped up again when Rogen was asked if the rumor was true during an interview with British GQ that came out on Monday.

“I mean, I don’t look back on that and think, ‘How dare she do that?’ You know? I think sometimes when you read something, when it comes to life it doesn’t seem to be what you thought it was,” he said. “But it was not some terrible ending to our relationship. She came back the next day to say goodbye. She helped promote the film. No hard feelings and I couldn’t be happier with how the film turned out in the end,” Rogen said in the interview.

The Canadian actor’s answer did not necessarily deny the rumors, which caused him to turn to Twitter to clarify what he said.

The 38-year-old posted a statement on Monday that read, “I want to correct a story that has emerged from a recent interview I gave. It misrepresents what actually happened. Emma Watson did not ‘storm off the set’ and it’s s–tty that the perception is that she did.”

Rogen went on to say, “The scene was not what was originally scripted, it was getting improvised, changed drastically and was not what she agreed to. The narrative that she was in some way uncool or unprofessional is complete bulls–t.”

“I for sure should have communicated better and because I didn’t, she was put in an uncomfortable position,” he went on to say in the statement. “She and I spoke on the night; it was overall a s–tty situation and it must have been hard for her to say something and I’m very happy and impressed that she did. We agreed on her not being in the scene together.”

“I am very sorry and disappointed it happened, and I wish I had done more to prevent it,” he confessed.