Georgina Rodriguez with her family and Pepe© @georginagio

Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina’s Cat ‘Pepe’ Flew on a Private Jet to Spain After He Was Run Over

Pepe only has 8 lives left

FEBRUARY 24, 2021 8:22 PM EST

If you love your pet, you will do anything within your means to help it survive if there is a near death emergency. This is exactly what soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo and his partner, Georgina Rodríguez did after their cat Pepe was hit by a car at their residence in Turin, Italy. The couple sprung into action and in situations like this, you are running against the clock. Thankfully they had a private jet nearby and Rodriguez scooped up Pepe and flew with him straight to a veterinary hospital in Spain. The shocking event happened last month in January but the news didn’t come out until February 24th.

© @georginagio

Georgina and Pepe

Thankfully, Pepe has been discharged from the veterinary hospital and is recovering at Georgina’s sister Ivana’s house. Per DailyMail, Georgina shared the shocking story with the Spanish magazine Instyle explaining, “Pepe has given us a terrible scare. He escaped from home and was run over. He was close to death and after a month and a half in intensive care at the vet‘s, we’ve decided my sister Ivana should look after him.” “Pepe’s now in Spain recovering… Now he’s in the best hands.” She explained.

Pepe is a hairless sphinx cat and almost 2 years old. If you’ve never pet a hairless cat it‘s comparable to feeling a raw chicken. The naked cat was often on Rodriguez’s page and there is no doubt she loves him. He’s also been a source of joy for the kids, Cristiano Jr. the twins Mateo and Eva, and little Alana Martina. The mom said it was hard for them to understand why Pepe was sick explaining, “The youngest ones didn’t understand Pepe was sick and wanted to play with him.”

Get well soon, Pepe!